Keeping your and your children’s immune system strong is the best way to protect your family this fall and winter, and there are many effective ways to do that. (Shutterstock) The media has done its best to whip people into a frenzy over the possibility of COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV ) colliding this winter in a ‘tripledemic.’ Yet, anyone with an ounce of understanding of how viruses work knows that warped narrative is just about scientifically impossible. STORY AT-A-GLANCE “Vaccine equity” remains high on the global cabal’s list of priorities, even though real-world evidence shows the COVID shots have done more harm than good Africa, where fewer than 6% of people have received the COVID jab, have maintained an extremely low COVID-19 death rate throughout the last three years, likely because they didn’t have equal access to experimental COVID injections While wholly ignoring the African experience, U.S. media are now trying to scare people into ta...