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The Jab: Is it the Mark of the Beast? If so how was it rolled out - A research project by Jonathan Q Freeman aka @FreemanActual

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Dear Reader,

This blog post began in 2016 and was amended in 2018 as an attempted reply in a social media feed of Patriot Instagram Influencer
@the1776wife that posed the question in a LIVE, “..could the vaccine be the mark of the beast?” Updates have followed.

My attempt to post a brief answer on this patriot's IG was censored and blocked by Twitter, Instagram and Facebook so I tried to send it to her via Messenger and my phone suddenly stopped working forcing me to reboot it and have to re-write the entire reply.

Therefore I decided to answer her question here on my blog and to back it up on platforms that are not censored by the AI algorithm and to take more time with my answer. 

It has since become a living document; ever growing and updating as I continue to re-find research I have already visited for over a two decades now.

I think it’s important everyone has the truth about our world and this topic. So, I have linked to more of the resources that I have found while searching for information BEDROCK on the topic of Vaccines, Injections, Corporations involved, the money trail, names, places and patents, etc. over the last 13 years. 

It is my simple goal to get you connected to the facts so that you can decide for yourself. Perhaps you’ll come to the same conclusion and warn those you love.

I pray that God give you an open mind and the ears to hear these facts. I pray that you will be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see the truth. Let go of your emotional biases, release what you think you know and put it in a box. You may always pick it back up in a bit...if you want to.  I pray you will be able to release the mainstream narrative of left vs right for a moment and do your best to be VERY objective about all the data. So help us God, Ahmein! 🙏

While some may argue with my conclusion due to inadequate research on their part…what follows remain irrefutable PUBLISHED facts that I personally verified with a phone call to the respective corporation to speak to people in authority who could corroborate published facts wherever possible.   I got a LOT of hang ups and "I'm sorry, so n so is out of the office" responses but for the most part I got to BEDROCK!  If I couldn't verify a fact with 2 or three witnesses or verfied didn't go in this document.

I understand counterintelligence is a very real thing. I also know that "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" so I always see everything with a grain of salt. You should too. Nonetheless, this is my best deep investigative journalism and best effort to compile the most credible sources at our disposal. I hope @whitneywebb would be proud. :P

What follows is a VERY tiny subset of a much larger picture (those who are behind the Great Reset and this stage of it call it the Great Plan) of which medical martial law worldwide is only a tiny tiny part… but I will do my best to stay on topic and answer the question posed by @the1776wife and so many others…"Could the shot (mislabeled as a vaccine) be the Mark of the beast?”

Let's begin with what the Bible says,

Bible Verses About Mark Of The Beast

Bible verses related to Mark Of The Beast from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance

 Revelation 13:16-18 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:   

Revelation 13:1-18 - And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.   

Revelation 14:9-11 - And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,   

 - And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

 - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

 - And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

 - And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

 - And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

1 John 4:1-21 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.   

 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The short answer I have drawn from the data you are about to learn below is, "Yes" BUT it has multiple parts). The shots and the push for medial martial law are a coordinated step (OPERATION LOCKSTEP) in a decades long Multi-step roll out of the Mark of the Beast and a Grand Vision of a NEW WORLD ORDER under Jewish rule. Below you'll find many of the sources used to reach this hypothesis. 


To set the stage you have to understand the structure of our world system. The infographics below will help your understanding immensely and set our starting point out with the most information currently available.



NOTICE: In addition to the above data the PCR Tests everyone rushed out to take to find out if they have Sars-CoV2 has major scientific flaws. 

Read this peer reviewed article hidden from you by the massive Pharma funded Main Stream Media for proof:


The Chinese bio-weapons research laboratory in Wuhan, China is owned by Glaxosmithkline, Inc. (source: GlaxoSmithKline - Wikipedia) which, as you now know after reading the wiki linked here, owns Pfizer. Pfizer is the major stakeholder company manufacturing the miracle injection to allegedly fight the Sars-CoV2 marketed to the public as CoV-id-19 (which is a coded message but more on that in another paper).

SHOCKINGLY this is where most people stop looking...but being the "red pill (which was originally supposed to be the blue pill in the original script written by Tom Althouse) junkie" I have become, I decided to keep digging! I dig because the truth can only be found at BEDROCK at the source where everything began.  

So in this 1st related tangent bedrock is finding out who the founders of GSK are...what Countries they’re affiliated with, what families they are part of, what their world views are and their histories on the world stage.  At the time of this publication if I try to dig much deeper into GSK I only find that the website is "down for updates" and that pages listed in search results on Google, Bing and Yahoo! more often than not take you to pages that no longer exist... and if you search "founders of Glaxosmithkline" here's what you'll get back... 

Glaxosmithkline is heavily influenced by the finance division of BlackRock who is the majority stockholder of GSK Not to be confused with Blackstone Group (source: BlackRock - Wikipedia) Don't shoot me for using Wikipedia...not EVERYTHING they publish is fake news.

Blackrock in turn manages the finances of The Open Society Group which is a George Soros (Now Khazarian Boss, Alex Soros) owned company and promoted by one Anthony Stephen Fauci on the world stage. 

BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world\"s largest asset manager, with just over $9 TRILLION in assets under management as of July 2021.[2][7] BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries.[8]   This corporation is the spearhead of the great reset.
Its members hold all key positions of actual power in the world.

Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is public facing a grantmaking (aka bribemaking) network founded by business magnate and self proclaimed Eugenicist and Socialist Globalist George Soros.[2] Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups aligned with Mr Soros globalist eugenics views around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.[3][4] The group\"s name is inspired by Karl Popper\"s 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies.[5] 

The OSF has branches in 37 countries,[6] encompassing a group of country and regional foundations, such as the Open Society Initiative for West Africa, and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa; its headquarters are at 224 West 57th Street in New York City. In 2018, OSF announced it was closing its European office in Budapest and moving to Berlin, in response to legislation passed by the Hungarian government shinning light on the foundation\"s questionable activities.[7] Since its establishment in 1993, OSF has reported expenditures in excess of $16 billion mostly in grants towards NGOs, aligned with the organization's New World Order and global depopulation mission.[8]

To understand HOW this injection is the Mark of the Beast you have to understand the persons responsible for the idea, funding and creation. If you don't see from their eyes you'll never understand the sheer evil and control they exert over the system they created and MICRO MANAGE.

The above info-graphics can be used for reference throughout the reading of this dissertation.

The level of delusion and deception is often hard if not impossible for most Americans to believe let alone comprehend. The degree and depth of abject evil Ha'Satan's children perpetrate is inconceivable to moral humans.  The whole earth is under a web of delusion.  It's so far reaching and comprehensive that if you try to tell someone the reaction is always visceral.

The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

This may seem like a tangent but it's directly related and very important as we peel back the delusion curtain. George Soros controls more companies...a LOT more. I've chosen to compile a list for you just so you can get the picture clearly of just ONE of the actors behind this Jab and how he alone (even if he was not aligned with a few thousand others with equal or more financial influence) can cause something as simple as a supposed virus and it's "final solution" to become a world wide "emergency."

TAKE YOUR TIME HERE!  READ! Look at the areas of society where just this one man alone has direct reach and control through money… the picture becomes clear as you begin to see the net cast over every area of your life.

Organizations directly funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF):

Source: via Dr. Eowyn

  1. Advancement Project:
    This organization works to organize “communities of color” into
    politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews
    and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated
    communications department.
  2. Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified “liberal” radio network.
  3. Al-Haq:
    This NGO produces highly politicized reports, papers, books, and legal
    analyses regarding alleged Israeli human-rights abuses committed against
  4. All of Us or None:
    This organization seeks to change voting laws — which vary from state
    to state — so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates
    to cast their ballots in political elections.
  5. Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.”
  6. America Coming Together:
    Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to
    coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.
  7. America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.
  8. America’s Voice:
    This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration
    reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal
  9. American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy:
    This organization “opposes laws that require employers and persons
    providing education, health care, or other social services to verify
    citizenship or immigration status.”
  10. American Bridge 21st Century: This Super PAC conducts opposition research designed to help Democratic political candidates defeat their Republican foes.
  11. American Civil Liberties Union:
    This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures
    enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to
    the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed
    former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its Advisory Board.
  12. American Constitution Society for Law and Policy:
    This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American
    jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing
    young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also
    provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce
    their political adversaries.
  13. American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.
  14. American Federation of Teachers:
    After longtime AFT President Albert Shanker died in in 1997, he was
    succeeded by Sandra Feldman, who slowly “re-branded” the union, allying
    it with some of the most powerful left-wing elements of the New Labor
    Movement. When Feldman died in 2004, Edward McElroy took her place,
    followed by Randi Weingarten in 2008. All of them kept the union on the
    leftward course it had adopted in its post-Shanker period.
  15. American Friends Service Committee:
    This group views the United States as the principal cause of human
    suffering around the world. As such, it favors America’s unilateral
    disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal
    aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the
    Patriot Act.
  16. American Immigration Council:
    This non-profit organization is a prominent member of the open-borders
    lobby. It advocates expanded rights and amnesty for illegal aliens
    residing in the U.S.
  17. American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.
  18. American Independent News Network: This organization promotes “impact journalism” that advocates progressive change.
  19. American Institute for Social Justice:
    AISJ’s goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can
    “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government
    spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing,
    public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.
  20. American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s War on Terror — most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls “a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users.”
  21. The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.
  22. Amnesty International:
    This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its
    criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.
  23. Applied Research Center:
    Viewing the United States as a nation where “structural racism” is
    deeply “embedded in the fabric of society,” ARC seeks to “build a fair
    and equal society” by demanding “concrete change from our most powerful
  24. Arab American Institute Foundation:
    The Arab American Institute denounces the purportedly widespread civil
    liberties violations directed against Arab Americans in the post-9/11
    period, and characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the
    Palestinian people.
  25. Aspen Institute: This organization promotes radical environmentalism and views America as a nation plagued by deep-seated “structural racism.”
  26. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now:
    This group conducts voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist
    Democrats. These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and
  27. Ballot Initiative Strategy Center:
    This organization seeks to advance “a national progressive strategy” by
    means of ballot measures—state-level legislative proposals that pass
    successfully through a petition (“initiative”) process and are then
    voted upon by the public.
  28. Bend The Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice:
    This organization condemns Voter ID laws as barriers that “make it
    harder for communities of color, women, first-time voters, the elderly,
    and the poor to cast their vote.”
  29. Bill of Rights Defense Committee:
    This group provides a detailed blueprint for activists interested in
    getting their local towns, cities, and even college campuses to publicly
    declare their opposition to the Patriot Act, and to designate
    themselves “Civil Liberties Safe Zones.” The organization also came to
    the defense of self-described radical attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted in 2005 of providing material support for terrorism.
  30. Black Alliance for Just Immigration: This organization seeks to create a unified movement for “social and economic justice” centered on black racial identity.
  31. Blueprint North Carolina:
    This group seeks to “influence state policy in North Carolina so that
    residents of the state benefit from more progressive policies such as
    better access to health care, higher wages, more affordable housing, a
    safer, cleaner environment, and access to reproductive health services.”
  32. Brennan Center for Justice:
    This think tank/legal activist group generates scholarly studies,
    mounts media campaigns, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to
    activists, and litigates test cases in pursuit of radical “change.”
  33. Brookings Institution:
    This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist
    and state-sponsored programs, including one that aspires to facilitate
    the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government. Brookings
    Fellows have also called for additional global collaboration on trade
    and banking; the expansion of the Kyoto Protocol; and nationalized
    health insurance for children. Nine Brookings economists signed a
    petition opposing President Bush’s tax cuts in 2003.
  34. Campaign for America’s Future: This group supports tax hikes, socialized medicine, and a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs.
  35. Campaign for Better Health Care: This organization favors a single-payer, government-run, universal health care system.
  36. Campaign for Youth Justice:
    This organization contends that “transferring juveniles to the adult
    criminal-justice system leads to higher rates of recidivism, puts
    incarcerated and detained youth at unnecessary risk, has little
    deterrence value, and does not increase public safety.”
  37. Campus Progress: A project of the Soros-bankrolled Center for American Progress,
    this group seeks to “strengthen progressive voices on college and
    university campuses, counter the growing influence of right-wing groups
    on campus, and empower new generations of progressive leaders.”
  38. Casa de Maryland:
    This organization aggressively lobbies legislators to vote in favor of
    policies that promote expanded rights, including amnesty, for illegal
    aliens currently residing in the United States.
  39. Catalist:
    This is a for-profit political consultancy that seeks “to help
    progressive organizations realize measurable increases in civic
    participation and electoral success by building and operating a robust
    national voter database of every voting-age American.”
  40. Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women’s right to abortion-on-demand.
  41. Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good:
    This political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from
    the Catholic community for leftwing candidates, causes, and legislation.
  42. Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton,
    and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is
    committed to “developing a long-term vision of a progressive America”
    and “providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy
  43. Center for Community Change:
    This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist
    “political issue campaigns.” Promoting increased funding for social
    welfare programs by bringing “attention to major national issues related
    to poverty,” the Center bases its training programs on the techniques
    taught by the famed radical organizer Saul Alinsky.
  44. Center for Constitutional Rights: This pro-Castro organization is a core member of the open borders lobby,
    has opposed virtually all post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures by the U.S.
    government, and alleges that American injustice provokes acts of
    international terrorism.
  45. Center for Economic and Policy Research:
    This group opposed welfare reform, supports “living wage” laws, rejects
    tax cuts, and consistently lauds the professed achievements of
    socialist regimes, most notably Venezuela.
  46. Center for International Policy:
    This organization uses advocacy, policy research, media outreach, and
    educational initiatives to promote “transparency and accountability” in
    U.S. foreign policy and global relations. It generally views America as a
    disruptive, negative force in the world.
  47. Center for Reproductive Rights:
    CRR’s mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and
    abortion-on-demand for all women, including adolescents. The
    organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to
    taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women.
  48. Center for Responsible Lending:
    This organization was a major player in the subprime mortgage crisis.
    According to Phil Kerpen (vice president for policy at Americans for
    Prosperity), CRL “shook down and harassed banks into making bad
    loans to unqualified borrowers.” Moreover, CRL negotiated a contract
    enabling it to operate as a conduit of high-risk loans to Fannie Mae.
  49. Center for Social Inclusion: This organization seeks to counteract America’s “structural racism” by means of taxpayer-funded policy initiatives.
  50. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
    Reasoning from the premise that tax cuts generally help only the
    wealthy, this organization advocates greater tax expenditures on social welfare programs for low earners.
  51. Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS):
    Aiming to redistribute wealth by way of higher taxes imposed on those
    whose incomes are above average, COWS contends that “it is important
    that state government be able to harness fair contribution from all
    parts of society – including corporations and the wealthy.”
  52. Change America Now:
    Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as “an
    independent political organization created to educate citizens on the
    failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that record
    of failure with the promise offered by a Democratic agenda.”
  53. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington:
    This group litigates and brings ethics charges against “government
    officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests” and
    “betray the public trust.” Almost all of its targets are Republicans.
  54. Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.
  55. Color Of Change:
    This organization was founded to combat what it viewed as the systemic
    racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular.
  56. Common Cause:
    This organization aims to bring about campaign-finance reform, pursue
    media reform resembling the Fairness Doctrine, and cut military budgets
    in favor of increased social-welfare and environmental spending.
  57. Constitution Project:
    This organization seeks to challenge the legality of military
    commissions; end the detainment of “enemy combatants”; condemn
    government surveillance of terrorists; and limit the President’s
    executive privileges.
  58. Defenders of Wildlife Action
    Fund: Defenders of Wildlife opposes oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic
    National Wildlife Refuge. It condemns logging, ranching, mining, and
    even the use of recreational motorized vehicles as activities that are
    destructive to the environment.
  59. Democracy Alliance:
    This self-described “liberal organization” aims to raise $200 million
    to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist groups. Soros is a major
    donor to this group.
  60. Democracy 21: This group is a staunch supporter of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act.
  61. Democracy Now!:
    Democracy Now! was created in 1996 by WBAI radio news director Amy
    Goodman and four partners to provide “perspectives rarely heard in the
    U.S. corporate-sponsored media,” i.e., the views of radical and foreign
    journalists, left and labor activists, and ideological foes of
  62. Democratic Justice Fund:
    DJF opposes the Patriot Act and most efforts to restrict or regulate
    immigration into the United States — particularly from countries
    designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations.”
  63. Democratic Party:
    Soros’ funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic
    Party solidify its power base. In a November 2003 interview, Soros
    stated that defeating President Bush in 2004 “is the central focus of my
    life” … “a matter of life and death.” He pledged to raise $75 million
    to defeat Bush, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to
    anti-Bush organizations. “America under Bush,” he said, “is a danger to
    the world, and I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.”
  64. Demos:
    This organization lobbies federal and state policymakers to “addres[s]
    the economic insecurity and inequality that characterize American
    society today”; promotes “ideas for reducing gaps in wealth, income and
    political influence”; and favors tax hikes for the wealthy.
  65. Drum Major Institute:
    This group describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit think tank
    generating the ideas that fuel the progressive movement,” with the
    ultimate aim of persuading “policymakers and opinion-leaders” to take
    steps that advance its vision of “social and economic justice.”
  66. Earthjustice:
    This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and
    waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives,
    commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in
    undeveloped areas.
  67. Economic Policy Institute:
    This organization believes that “government must play an active role in
    protecting the economically vulnerable, ensuring equal opportunity, and
    improving the well-being of all Americans.”
  68. Electronic Privacy Information Center:
    This organization has been a harsh critic of the USA PATRIOT Act and
    has joined the American Civil Liberties Union in litigating two cases
    calling for the FBI “to publicly release or account for thousands of
    pages of information about the government’s use of PATRIOT Act powers.”
  69. Ella Baker Center for Human Rights:
    Co-founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones, this anti-poverty
    organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities” —
    compounded by “excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration” — have
    “led to despair and homelessness.”
  70. EMILY’s List: This political network raises money for Democratic female political candidates who support unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  71. Energy Action Coalition:
    Founded in 2004, this group describes itself as “a coalition of 50
    youth-led environmental and social justice groups working together to
    build the youth clean energy and climate movement.” For EAC, this means
    “dismantling oppression” according to its principles of environmental
  72. Equal Justice USA:
    This group claims that America’s criminal-justice system is plagued by
    “significant race and class biases,” and thus seeks to promote major
  73. Fair Immigration Reform Movement: This is the open-borders arm of the Center for Community Change.
  74. Faithful America:
    This organization promotes the redistribution of wealth, an end to
    enhanced interrogation procedures vis a vis prisoners-of-war, the
    enactment of policies to combat global warming, and the creation of a
    government-run heath care system.
  75. Families USA: This Washington-based health-care advocacy group favors ever-increasing government control of the American healthcare system.
  76. Feminist Majority:
    Characterizing the United States as an inherently sexist nation, this
    group focuses on “advancing the legal, social and political equality of
    women with men, countering the backlash to women’s advancement, and
    recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership
    for the feminist movement in the United States.”
  77. Four Freedoms Fund:
    This organization was designed to serve as a conduit through which
    large foundations could fund state-based open-borders organizations more
    flexibly and quickly.
  78. Free Exchange on Campus:
    This organization was created solely to oppose the efforts of one
    individual, David Horowitz, and his campaign to have universities adopt
    an “Academic Bill of Rights,” as well as todenounce Horowitz’s 2006 book The Professors. Member organizations of FEC include Campus Progress (a project of the Center for American Progress); the American Association of University Professors; theAmerican Civil Liberties UnionPeople For the American Way; the United States Student Association; theCenter for Campus Free Speech; the American Library AssociationFree Press; and the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups.
  79. Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for AmericaAir America RadioGlobal ExchangeCode PinkFairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist PartyMother Jones magazine, and Pacifica Radio.
  80. Funding Exchange:
    Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social
    change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with
    likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about
    their own version of “progressive” change and social justice.
    Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with
    racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be
    overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.
  81. Gamaliel Foundation:
    Modeling its tactics on those of the radical Sixties activist Saul
    Alinsky, this group takes a strong stand against current homeland
    security measures and immigration restrictions.
  82. Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement: This anti-Israel organization seeks to help Palestinians “exercise their right to freedom of movement.”
  83. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect:
    This group contends that when a state proves either unable or unwilling
    to protect civilians from mass atrocities occurring within its borders,
    it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene —
    peacefully if possible, but with military force if necessary.
  84. Global Exchange: Established in 1988 by pro-Castro radical Medea Benjamin,
    this group consistently condemns America’s foreign policy, business
    practices, and domestic life. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
    Global Exchange advised Americans to examine “the root causes of
    resentment against the United States in the Arab world — from our
    dependence on Middle Eastern oil to our biased policy towards Israel.”
  85. Grantmakers Without Borders:
    GWB tends to be very supportive of leftist environmental, anti-war, and
    civil rights groups. It is also generally hostile to capitalism, which
    it deems one of the chief “political, economic, and social systems” that
    give rise to a host of “social ills.”
  86. Green For All: This group was created by Van Jones to lobby for federal climate, energy, and economic policy initiatives.
  87. Health Care for America Now:
    This group supports a “single payer” model where the federal government
    would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S.
    healthcare system.
  88. Human Rights Campaign:
    The largest “lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender” lobbying group in the
    United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that
    will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously
    championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the
    abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the
    legalization of gay marriage.
  89. Human Rights First:
    This group supports open borders and the rights of illegal aliens;
    charges that the Patriot Act severely erodes Americans’ civil liberties;
    has filed amicus curiae briefs on behalf of terror suspect Jose Padilla; and deplores the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities.
  90. Human Rights Watch:
    This group directs a disproportionate share of its criticism at the
    United States and Israel. It opposes the death penalty in all cases, and
    supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
  91. I’lam: This anti-Israel NGO seeks “to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues.”
  92. Immigrant Defense Project:
    To advance the cause of illegal immigrants, the IDP provides
    immigration law backup support and counseling to New York defense
    attorneys and others who represent or assist immigrants in criminal
    justice and immigration systems, as well as to immigrants themselves.
  93. Immigrant Legal Resource Center:
    This group claims to have helped gain amnesty for some three million
    illegal aliens in the U.S., and in the 1980s was part of the sanctuary
    movement which sought to grant asylum to refugees from the failed
    Communist states of Central America.
  94. Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project: This open-borders organization advocates mass immigration to the U.S.
  95. Immigration Advocates Network:
    This alliance of immigrant-rights groups seeks to “increase access to
    justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of
    organizations serving them.”
  96. Immigration Policy Center:
    IPC is an advocate of open borders and contends that the massive influx
    of illegal immigrants into America is due to U.S. government policy,
    since “the broken immigration system […] spurs unauthorized immigration
    in the first place.”
  97. Independent Media Center:
    This Internet-based, news and events bulletin board represents an
    invariably leftist, anti-capitalist perspective and serves as a
    mouthpiece for anti-globalization/anti-America themes.
  98. Independent Media Institute:
    IMI administers the SPIN Project (Strategic Press Information Network),
    which provides leftist organizations with “accessible and affordable
    strategic communications consulting, training, coaching, networking
    opportunities and concrete tools” to help them “achieve their social
    justice goals.”
  99. Institute for America’s Future:
    IAF supports socialized medicine, increased government funding for
    education, and the creation of an infrastructure “to ensure that the
    voice of the progressive majority is heard.”
  100. Institute for New Economic Thinking:
    Seeking to create a new worldwide “economic paradigm,” this
    organization is staffed by numerous individuals who favor government
    intervention in national economies, and who view capitalism as a flawed
  101. Institute for Policy Studies:
    This think tank has long supported Communist and anti-American causes
    around the world. Viewing capitalism as a breeding ground for
    “unrestrained greed,” IPS seeks to provide a corrective to “unrestrained
    markets and individualism.” Professing an unquestioning faith in the
    righteousness of the United Nations, it aims to bring American foreign
    policy under UN control.
  102. Institute for Public Accuracy:
    This anti-American, anti-capitalist organization sponsored actor Sean
    Penn’s celebrated visit to Baghdad in 2002. It also sponsored visits to
    Iraq by Democratic Congressmen Nick Rahall and former Democrat Senator
    James Abourezk
  103. Institute for Women’s Policy Research:
    This group views the U.S. as a nation rife with discrimination against
    women, and publishes research to draw attention to this alleged state of
    affairs. It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded
    abortion-on-demand, stating that “access to abortion is essential to the
    economic well-being of women and girls.”
  104. International Crisis Group:
    One of this organization’s leading figures is its Mideast Director,
    Robert Malley, who was President Bill Clinton’s Special Assistant for
    Arab-Israeli Affairs. His analysis of the Mideast conflict is markedly
  105. J Street:
    This anti-Israel group warns that Israel’s choice to take military
    action to stop Hamas’ terrorist attacks “will prove counter-productive
    and only deepen the cycle of violence in the region”
  106. Jewish Funds for Justice:
    This organization views government intervention and taxpayer funding as
    crucial components of enlightened social policy. It seeks to
    redistribute wealth from Jewish donors to low-income communities “to
    combat the root causes of domestic economic and social injustice.” By
    JFJ’s reckoning, chief among those root causes are the inherently
    negative by-products of capitalism – most notably racism and “gross
    economic inequality.”
  107. Joint Victory Campaign 2004: Founded by George Soros and Harold Ickes,
    this group was a major fundraising entity for Democrats during the 2004
    election cycle. It collected contributions (including large amounts
    from Soros personally) and disbursed them to two other groups, America Coming Together and the Media Fund, which also worked on behalf of Democrats.
  108. Justice at Stake:
    This coalition calls for judges to be appointed by nonpartisan,
    independent commissions in a process known as “merit selection,” rather
    than elected by the voting public.
  109. LatinoJustice PRLDF:
    This organization supports bilingual education, the racial
    gerrymandering of voting districts, and expanded rights for illegal
  110. Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law:
    This group views America as an unremittingly racist nation; uses the
    courts to mandate race-based affirmative action preferences in business
    and academia; has filed briefs against the Department of Homeland
    Security’s efforts to limit the wholesale granting of green cards and to
    identify potential terrorists; condemns the Patriot Act; and calls on
    Americans to “recognize the contribution” of illegal aliens.
  111. Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights:
    This organization views the United States as a nation rife with racism,
    sexism, and all manner of social injustice; and it uses legislative
    advocacy to push for “progressive change” that will create “a more open
    and just society.”
  112. League of United Latin American Citizens:
    This group views America as a nation plagued by “an alarming increase
    in xenophobia and anti-Hispanic sentiment”; favors racial preferences;
    supports the legalization of illegal Hispanic aliens; opposes military
    surveillance of U.S. borders; opposes making English America’s official
    language; favors open borders; and rejects anti-terrorism legislation
    like the Patriot Act.
  113. League of Women Voters Education
    Fund: The League supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; supports
    “motor-voter” registration, which allows anyone with a driver’s license
    to become a voter, regardless of citizenship status; and supports tax
    hikes and socialized medicine.
  114. League of Young Voters:
    This organization seeks to “empowe[r] young people nationwide” to
    “participate in the democratic process and create progressive political
    change on the local, state and national level[s].”
  115. Lynne Stewart Defense
    Committee: IRS records indicate that Soros’s Open Society Institute
    made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to this organization. Stewart was
    the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her
    client, the “blind sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.
  116. Machsom Watch: This organization describes itself
    as “a movement of Israeli women, peace activists from all sectors of
    Israeli society, who oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of
    Palestinians’ rights to move freely in their land.”
  117. MADRE: This international women’s organization deems America the world’s foremost violator of human rights. As such, it seeks to “communicat[e] the
    real-life impact of U.S. policies on women and families confronting
    violence, poverty and repression around the world,” and to “demand
    alternatives to destructive U.S. policies.” It also advocates
    unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  118. Malcolm X Grassroots Movement:
    This group views the U.S. as a nation replete with racism and
    discrimination against blacks; seeks to establish an independent black
    nation in the southeastern United States; and demands reparations for
  119. Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition:
    This group calls for the expansion of civil rights and liberties for
    illegal aliens; laments that illegal aliens in America are commonly
    subjected to “worker exploitation”; supports tuition-assistance programs
    for illegal aliens attending college; and characterizes the Patriot Act
    as a “very troubling” assault on civil liberties.
  120. Media Fund:
    Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to
    conceptualize, produce, and place political ads on television, radio,
    print, and the Internet.
  121. Media Matters for America:
    This organization is a “web-based, not-for-profit … progressive
    research and information center” seeking to “systematically monitor a
    cross-section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media
    outlets for conservative misinformation.” The group works closely with
    the Soros-backed Center for American Progress, and is heavily funded by Democracy Alliance, of which Soros is a major financier.
  122. Mercy Corps: Vis a vis the Arab-Israeli conflict, Mercy Corps places all blame for Palestinian poverty and suffering directly on Israel.
  123. Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund:
    This group advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal
    aliens, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and
    voting rights for criminals. In MALDEF’s view, supporters of making
    English the official language of the United States are “motivated by
    racism and anti-immigrant sentiments,” while advocates of sanctions
    against employers reliant on illegal labor seek to discriminate against
    “brown-skinned people.”
  124. Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC: This influential defender of Big Labor is headed by Democrat operativeHarold Ickes.
  125. Midwest Academy: This entity trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation, and intimidation.
  126. Migration Policy Institute:
    This group seeks to create “a North America with gradually disappearing
    border controls … with permanent migration remaining at moderate
  127. Military Families Speak Out: This group ascribes the U.S. invasion of Iraq to American imperialism and lust for oil.
  128. Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment: This group is the rebranded Missouri branch of the now-defunct, pro-socialist, community organization ACORN.
    This Web-based organization supports Democratic political candidates
    through fundraising, advertising, and get-out-the-vote drives.
  130. Ms. Foundation for Women:
    This group laments what it views as the widespread and enduring flaws
    of American society: racism, sexism, homophobia, and the violation of
    civil rights and liberties. It focuses its philanthropy on groups that
    promote affirmative action for women, unfettered access to
    taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, amnesty for illegal aliens, and big
    government generally.
  131. Muslim AdvocatesOpposed to
    U.S. counter-terrorism strategies that make use of sting operations and
    informants, MA characterizes such tactics as forms of “entrapment” that
    are inherently discriminatory against Muslims.
  132. NARAL Pro-Choice America: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, and works to elect pro-abortion Democrats.
  133. NAACP Legal
    Defense and Education Fund: The NAACP supports racial preferences in
    employment and education, as well as the racial gerrymandering of voting
    districts. Underpinning its support for race preferences is the fervent
    belief that white racism in the United States remains an intractable,
    largely undiminished, phenomenon.
  134. The Nation Institute: This nonprofit entity sponsors leftist conferences, fellowships, awards for radical activists, and journalism internships.
  135. National Abortion Federation:
    This group opposes any restrictions on abortion at either the state or
    federal levels, and champions the introduction of unrestricted abortion
    into developing regions of the world.
  136. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty:
    This group was established in 1976 as the first “fully staffed national
    organization exclusively devoted to abolishing capital punishment.”
  137. National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy:
    This group depicts the United States as a nation in need of dramatic
    structural change financed by philanthropic organizations. It
    overwhelmingly promotes grant-makers and grantees with leftist agendas,
    while criticizing their conservative counterparts.
  138. National Committee for Voting Integrity:
    This group opposes “the implementation of proof of citizenship and
    photo identification requirements for eligible electors in American
    elections as the means of assuring election integrity.”
  139. National Council for Research on Women:
    This group supports big government, high taxes, military spending cuts,
    increased social welfare spending, and the unrestricted right to
    taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  140. National Council of La Raza:
    This group lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education,
    stricter hate-crime laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal
  141. National Council of Women’s Organizations:
    This group views the United States as a nation rife with injustice
    against girls and women. It advocates high levels of spending for social
    welfare programs, and supports race and gender preferences for
    minorities and women in business and academia.
  142. National Immigration Forum: Opposing the enforcement of present immigration laws, this organization urges the American government to “legalize” en masse all
    illegal aliens currently in the United States who have no criminal
    records, and to dramatically increase the number of visas available for
    those wishing to migrate to the U.S. The Forum is particularly committed
    to opening the borders to unskilled, low-income workers, and
    immediately making them eligible for welfare and social service
  143. National Immigration Law Center: This group seeks to win unrestricted access to government-funded social welfare programs for illegal aliens.
  144. National Lawyers Guild:
    This group promotes open borders; seeks to weaken America’s
    intelligence-gathering agencies; condemns the Patriot Act as an assault
    on civil liberties; rejects capitalism as an unviable economic system;
    has rushed to the defense of convicted terrorists and their abettors;
    and generally opposes all U.S. foreign policy positions, just as it did
    during the Cold War when it sided with the Soviets.
  145. National Organization for Women:
    This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded
    abortion-on-demand; seeks to “eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia”
    from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious
    values; and supports gender-based preferences for women.
  146. National Partnership for Women and Families:
    This organization supports race- and sex-based preferences in
    employment and education. It also advocates for the universal “right” of
    women to undergo taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand at any stage of
    pregnancy and for any reason.
  147. National Priorities Project:
    This group supports government-mandated redistribution of wealth —
    through higher taxes and greater expenditures on social welfare
    programs. NPP exhorts the government to redirect a significant portion
    of its military funding toward public education, universal health
    insurance, environmentalist projects, and welfare programs.
  148. National Public Radio:
    Founded in 1970 with 90 public radio stations as charter members, NPR
    is today a loose network of more than 750 U.S. radio stations across the
    country, many of which are based on college and university campuses. (source)
  149. National Security Archive Fund:
    This group collects and publishes declassified documents obtained
    through the Freedom of Information Act to a degree that compromises
    American national security and the safety of intelligence agents.
  150. National Women’s Law Center:
    This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; lobbies against
    conservative judicial appointees; advocates increased welfare spending
    to help low-income mothers; and favors higher taxes for the purpose of
    generating more funds for such government programs as Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, foster care, health care, child-support enforcement, and student loans.
  151. Natural Resources Defense Council:
    One of the most influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the
    United States, the Council claims a membership of one million people.
  152. New America Foundation:
    This organization uses policy papers, media articles, books, and
    educational events to influence public opinion on such topics as
    healthcare, environmentalism, energy policy, the Mideast conflict,
    global governance, and much more.
  153. New Israel Fund:
    This organization gives support to NGOs that regularly produce reports
    accusing Israel of human-rights violations and religious persecution.
  154. NewsCorpWatch:
    A project of Media Matters For America, NewsCorpWatch was established
    with the help of a $1 million George Soros grant to Media Matters.
  155. Pacifica Foundation: This entity owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and hatred for capitalism.
  156. Palestinian Center for Human Rights: This NGO investigates and documents what it views as Israeli human-rights violations against Palestinians.
  157. Peace and Security Funders Group:
    This is an association of more than 60 foundations that give money to
    leftist anti-war and environmentalist causes. Its members tend to depict
    America as the world’s chief source of international conflict,
    environmental destruction, and economic inequalities.
  158. Peace Development Fund:
    In PDF’s calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its
    social and economic institutions. “Recently,” explains PDF, “we have
    witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization
    of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap
    between the rich and poor …”
  159. People for the American Way:
    This group opposes the Patriot Act, anti-terrorism measures generally,
    and the allegedly growing influence of the “religious right.”
  160. People Improving Communities Through Organizing: This group uses Alinsky-style organizing tactics to advance the doctrines of the religious left.
  161. Physicians for Human Rights:
    This group is selectively and disproportionately critical of the United
    States and Israel in its condemnations of human rights violations.
  162. Physicians for Social Responsibility: This is an anti-U.S.-military organization that also embraces the tenets of radical environmentalism.
  163. Planned Parenthood: This group is the largest abortion provider in the United States and advocates taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  164. Ploughshares Fund: This public grantmaking foundation opposes America’s development of a missile defense system, and contributes to many organizations that are highly critical of U.S. foreign policies and military ventures.
  165. Prepare New York:
    This group supported the proposed construction of a Muslim Community
    Center near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan – a project known as the
    Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
  166. Presidential Climate Action Project:
    PCAP’s mission is to create a new 21st-century economy, completely
    carbon-free and based largely on renewable energy. A key advisor to the
    organization is the revolutionary communist Van Jones.
  167. Prison Moratorium Project:
    This initiative was created in 1995 for the express purpose of working
    for the elimination of all prisons in the United States and the release
    of all inmates. Reasoning from the premise that incarceration is never
    an appropriate means of dealing with crime, it deems American society’s
    inherent inequities the root of all criminal behavior.
  168. Progressive Change Campaign Committee:
    This organization works “to elect bold progressive candidates to
    federal office and to help [them] and their campaigns save money, work
    smarter, and win more often.”
  169. Progressive States Network:
    PSN’s mission is to “pass progressive legislation in all fifty states
    by providing coordinated research and strategic advocacy tools to
    forward-thinking state legislators.”
  170. Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years.
  171. Pro Publica:
    Claiming that “investigative journalism is at risk,” this group aims to
    remedy this lacuna in news publishing by “expos[ing] abuses of power
    and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other
    institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur
    reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.”
  172. Proteus Fund: This foundation directs its philanthropy toward a number of radical leftwing organizations.
  173. Psychologists for Social Responsibility:
    This anti-capitalist, anti-corporate, anti-military, anti-American
    organization “uses psychological knowledge and skills to promote peace
    with social justice at the community, national and international
  174. Public Citizen Foundation:
    Public Citizen seeks increased government intervention and litigation
    against corporations — a practice founded on the notion that American
    corporations, like the capitalist system of which they are a part, are
    inherently inclined toward corruption.
  175. Public Justice Center:
    Viewing America as a nation rife with injustice and discrimination,
    this organization engages in legislative and policy advocacy to promote
    “systemic change for the disenfranchised.”
  176. Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity ’09): Spearheaded by and overseen by longtime activist Heather Booth, this coalition was formed to facilitate the passage of President Obama’s “historic” $3.5 trillion budget for fiscal year 2010.
  177. Res Publica:
    Seeking to advance far-left agendas in places all around the world, RP
    specializes in “E-advocacy,” or web-based movement-building.
  178. Roosevelt Institute:
    Proceeding from the premise that free-market capitalism is inherently
    unjust and prone to periodic collapses caused by its own structural
    flaws, RI currently administers several major projects aimed at
    reshaping the American economy to more closely resemble a socialist
  179. Secretary of State Project:
    This project was launched in July 2006 as an independent “527”
    organization devoted to helping Democrats get elected to the office of
    Secretary of State in selected swing, or battleground, states.
  180. Sentencing Project: Asserting that prison-sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, this initiative advocates voting rights for felons.
  181. Social Justice Leadership:
    This organization seeks to transform an allegedly inequitable America
    into a “just society” by means of “a renewed social-justice movement.”
  182. Shadow Democratic Party:
    This is an elaborate network of non-profit activist groups organized by
    George Soros and others to mobilize resources — money, get-out-the-vote
    drives, campaign advertising, and policy iniatives — to elect
    Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.
  183. Sojourners:
    This evangelical Christian ministry preaches radical leftwing politics.
    During the 1980s it championed Communist revolution in Central America
    and chastised U.S.
    policy-makers for their tendency “to assume the very worst about their
    Soviet counterparts.” More recently, Sojourners has taken up the cause
    of environmental activism, opposed welfare reform as a “mean-spirited
    Republican agenda,” and mounted a defense of affirmative action.
  184. Southern Poverty Law Center:
    This organization monitors the activities of what it calls “hate
    groups” in the United States. It exaggerates the prevalence of white
    racism directed against American minorities.
  185. State Voices:
    This coalition helps independent local activist groups in 22 states
    work collaboratively on a year-round basis, so as to maximize the impact
    of their efforts.
  186. Talking Transition:
    This was a two-week project launched in early November 2013 to “help
    shape the transition” to City Hall for the newly elected Democratic
    mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio.
  187. Think Progress:
    This Internet blog “pushes back, daily,” by its own account, against
    its conservative targets, and seeks to transform “progressive ideas into
    policy through rapid response communications, legislative action,
    grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other
    progressive leaders throughout the country and the world.”
  188. Thunder Road Group: This political consultancy, in whose creation Soros had a hand, coordinates strategy for the Media FundAmerica Coming Together, and America Votes.
  189. Tides Foundation and Tides Center: Tides is a major funder of the radical Left.
  190. U.S. Public Interest Research Group: This is an umbrella organization of student groups that support leftist agendas.
  191. Universal Healthcare Action Network: This organization supports a single-payer health care system controlled by the federal government.
  192. Urban Institute:
    This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the
    federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.
  193. USAction Education
    Fund: USAction lists its priorities as: “fighting the right wing
    agenda”; “building grassroots political power”; winning “social, racial
    and economic justice for all”; supporting a system of taxpayer-funded
    socialized medicine; reversing “reckless tax cuts for millionaires and
    corporations” which shield the “wealthy” from paying their “fair share”;
    advocating for “pro-consumer and environmental regulation of corporate
    abuse”; “strengthening progressive voices on local, state and national
    issues”; and working to “register, educate and get out the vote … [to]
    help progressives get elected at all levels of government.”
  194. Voter Participation Center:
    This organization seeks to increase voter turnout among unmarried
    women, “people of color,” and 18-to-29-year-olds — demographics that are
    heavily pro-Democrat.
  195. Voto Latino: This group seeks to mobilize Latin-Americans to become registered voters and political activists.
  196. We Are America Alliance: This coalition promotes “increased civic participation by immigrants” in the American political process.
  197. Working Families Party: An outgrowth of the socialist New Party, WFP seeks to help push the Democratic Party toward the left.
  198. World Organization Against Torture: This coalition works closely with groups that condemn Israeli security measures against Palestinian terrorism.
  199. YWCA World
    Office, Switzerland: The YWCA opposes abstinence education; supports
    universal access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; and opposes
    school vouchers.

B. Organizations that do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSF, but are funded by one or more organizations that do:

Center for Progressive Leadership: Funded by the Soros-bankrolled Democracy Alliance, this anti-capitalist organization is dedicated to training future leftist New World Order political leaders.

  1. John Adams Project:This project of the American Civil Liberties Union was accused of: (a)
    having hired investigators to photograph CIA officers thought to have been involved in enhanced interrogations of terror suspects detained in Guantanamo, and then (b) showing the photos to the attorneys of those suspects, some of whom were senior al-Qaeda operatives.
  2. Moving Ideas Network (MIN): This coalition of more than 250 leftwing activist groups is a partner organization of the Soros-backed Center for American Progress. MIN was originally a project of the Soros-backed American Prospect and, as such, received indirect funding from the Open Society Institute. In early 2006, The American Prospect relinquished control of the Moving Ideas Network.
  3. New Organizing Institute: Created by the Soros-funded, this group “trains young, technology-enabled political organizers to work for progressive campaigns and organizations.”
  4. Think Progress: This “project” of the American Progress Action Fund, which is a “sister advocacy organization”of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress and Campus Progress,
    seeks to transform “progressive ideas into policy through rapid
    response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world.”
  5. Vote for Change: Coordinated by the political action committee of the Soros-funded,
    Vote for Change was a group of 41 musicians and bands that performed
    concerts in several key election “battleground”states during October
    2004, to raise money in support of Democrat John Kerry‘s presidential bid.
  6. Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates.

OK so if you have made it this far... Congratulations! But, my friend, that is only part of the picture. Now here is a list of the companies George Soros OWNS outright or via majority stock holdings or has control of via board authority in the USA and abroad.

  1. 3D Systems Corp. About 3D Systems | 3D Systems
  2. Abbott Laboratories About Abbott | Life-Changing Technology | Abbott U.S.
  3. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Home (
  4. AbitibiboWater Inc.
  5. ABX Air Inc.
  6. Accuride Corp.
  7. ACI Worldwide Inc.
  8. Actuant Corp.
  9. Acuity Brands Inc.
  10. ADC Telecommunications Inc.
  11. Advanced Medical Optics Inc.
  12. Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
  13. AES Corp.
  14. Aetna Inc.
  15. Aftermarket Technology Corp
  16. Albany Molecular Research Inc. Spherion Corp.
  17. Alcan Inc.
  18. Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
  19. Allegheny Energy Inc.
  20. Alltel Corp.
  21. Altra Holdings Inc.
  22. Altria Group Inc.
  23. Ambassadors Group Inc.
  24. AMCOL International Corp.
  25. American Equity Investment Life Holding
  26. American Oil & Gas Inc
  27. American Oriental Bioengineering Inc.
  28. American Railcar Industries Inc.
  29. American Science and Engineering Inc.
  30. American Superconductor Corp.
  31. American Woodmark Corp.
  32. AMERIGROUP Corp.
  33. Ameristar Casinos Inc.
  34. AMIS Holdings Inc.
  35. Amkor Technology Inc.
  36. AmpcoPittsburgh Corp.
  37. Amsurg Corp.
  38. Andersons Inc.
  39. AngioDynamics Inc.
  40. Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  41. APP Pharmaceuticals Inc
  42. Applebee’s International Inc.
  43. Applied Materials Inc.
  44. AptarGroup Inc.
  45. Arbitron Inc.
  46. Arch Chemicals Inc.
  47. Archer Daniels Midland Company
  48. ARGON ST Inc.
  49. Ariba Inc.
  50. Arris Group Inc
  51. Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.
  52. Ashland Inc.
  53. Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd.
  54. Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corp.
  55. Assisted Living Concepts Inc.
  56. Assured Guaranty Ltd.
  57. AT&T
  58. Audible Inc.
  59. AutoZone Inc.
  60. Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings Inc., Pool Corp.
  61. Axcan Pharma Inc.
  62. Axcelis Technologies Inc.
  63. AZZ Inc.
  64. B. Fuller Company
  65. Badger Meter Inc
  66. Baker Corp
  67. Banco Ita Holding Financeira S.A.
  68. Banro Corp.
  69. Beacon Roofing Supply Inc.
  70. Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.
  71. Bemis Company Inc.
  72. Best Buy Co. Inc.
  73. Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp.
  74. BioRad Laboratories Inc.
  75. Blue Nile Inc.
  76. Boston Properties Inc.
  77. Bowne & Co. Inc.
  78. Boyd Gaming Corp.
  79. BPZ Resources, Inc.
  80. Brady Corp.
  81. Brigham Exploration Company
  82. Brinker International Inc.
  83. Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc.
  84. Brooks Automation Inc.
  85. Brush Engineered Materials Inc.
  86. Buckeye Technologies Inc.
  87. Bucyrus International Inc.
  88. Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. (They're not feeding you chicken! 👀)
  89. Builders FirstSource Inc.
  90. CA Inc.
  91. Cabot Corp.
  92. Calgon Carbon Corp.
  93. California Pizza Kitchen Inc. (There's ingredients in their food you won't believe)
  94. CalMaine Foods Inc. (There's ingredients in their food you won't believe)
  95. Capital Common Serie
  96. CarMax Inc.
  97. Carnival Corp.
  98. Carter’s Inc.
  99. Cascade Corp.
  100. Caterpillar Inc.
  101. CB Richard Ellis Group Inc.
  102. CBIZ Inc.
  103. CDI Corp.
  104. CEC Entertainment Inc.
  105. Celadon Group Inc.
  106. Central Garden & Pet Company
  107. Century Aluminum Company
  108. Ceradyne Inc.
  109. Champion Enterprises Inc.
  110. Chattem Inc.
  111. Chemtura Corp.
  112. China Mobile Ltd.
  113. China Yuchai International Ltd.
  114. Ciena Corp.
  115. CIRCOR International Inc.
  116. CKE Restaurants Inc.
  117. CLARCOR Inc.
  118. Clean Energy Fuels Corp.
  119. CNET Networks Inc.
  120. Coach Inc.
  121. Coinmach Service Corp
  122. Colgate Palmolive Company
  123. Columbia Sportswear Company
  124. Columbus McKinnon Corp.
  125. Com Inc. ADS
  126. Comcast Corp.
  127. Comfort Systems USA Inc.
  128. Commercial Vehicle Group Inc.
  129. Community Health Systems Inc.
  130. Compuware Corp.
  131. CONMED Corp.
  132. Constellation Energy Group Inc.
  133. Convergys Corp.
  134. Corinthian Colleges Inc.
  135. Corning Inc.
  136. Cott Corp.
  137. Countrywide Financial Corp.
  138. CRA International Inc.
  139. Cross Country Healthcare Inc.
  140. CVS Caremark Corp.
  141. Cytec Industries Inc.
  142. Danaher Corp.
  143. Deere & Company
  144. Delphi Financial Group Inc.
  145. Deltic Timber Corp.
  146. DeVry Inc.
  147. Diamond Management & Technology Consultants
  148. Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc.
  149. DIRECTV Group Inc.
  150. Dolan Media Company
  151. Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Inc.
  152. Dominion Resources Inc.
  153. DresserRand Group Inc.
  154. Duke Energy Corp.
  155. Dynamic Materials Corp.
  156. Eagle Materials Inc.
  157. Eastman Kodak Company
  158. eHealth Inc.
  159. EMC Corp.
  160. Emerson Electric Co.
  161. Encore Wire Corp.
  162. Energy Partners Ltd.
  163. Energysolutions Inc.
  164. Ennis Inc.
  165. Entergy Corp.
  166. Entravision Communications Corp.
  167. Equinix Inc.
  168. Equity Residential
  169. Euroseas Ltd.
  170. Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd.
  171. Exelon Corp.
  172. Exide Technologies New
  173. Expeditors International of Washington I
  174. Federal Signal Corp.
  175. FedEx Corp.
  176. First Consulting Group Inc.
  177. First Solar, Inc.
  178. Fleetwood Enterprises Inc.
  179. Flextronics International Ltd.
  180. Flotek Industries Inc, Amerigon Inc.
  181. Fortune Brands Inc.
  182. Fossil Inc.
  183. FPL Group Inc.
  184. FreightCar America Inc.
  185. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (There's ingredients in their food you won't believe and would vomit over if you found bedrock)
  186. Fronteer Development Group Inc
  187. Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc. (Known For Chemtrail Contracts)
  188. FTI Consulting Inc.
  189. Fuel Tech Inc.
  190. Garmin Ltd.
  191. GemstarTV Guide International Inc.
  192. General Dynamics Corp.
  193. General Growth Properties Inc
  194. GenProbe Inc.
  195. Gentiva Health Services Inc.
  196. Georgia Gulf Corp.
  197. Getty Images Inc.
  198. Gibraltar Industries Inc.
  199. Glatfelter
  200. GoldCorp Inc.
  201. Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
  202. Google Inc. (Google and ALL social media was a CIA project and data collection initiative that was funded by Soros)
  203. Granite Construction Inc.
  204. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp.
  205. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. (There's ingredients in their coffee you won't want in your body)
  206. Greenlight Capital Re Ltd.
  207. Grey Wolf Inc
  208. Gulfport Energy Corp.
  209. H. Robinson Worldwide Inc.
  210. Hain Celestial Group Inc.
  211. Halliburton Company Fahrenheit 9/11 - Halliburton Scene - YouTube Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube
  212. Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.
  213. HarteHanks Inc.
  214. Harvest Natural Resources Inc.
  215. Hasbro Inc.
  216. Haynes International Inc., Chart Industries Inc.
  217. Headwaters Inc.
  218. Health Management Associates Inc.
  219. Hecla Mining Company
  220. Hercules Inc.
  221. Herman Miller Inc.
  222. HewlettPackard Company
  223. Hexcel Corp., Lear Corp.
  224. Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Company
  225. HLTH Corp.
  226. HNI Corp.
  227. Hollister, Inc
  228. Honeywell International Inc.
  229. Host Hotels & Resorts Inc.
  230. Hudson Highland Group Inc.
  231. ICICI Bank Ltd.
  232. Iconix Brand Group Inc.
  233. Idearc Inc.
  234. IHOP Corp.
  235. IKON Office Solutions Inc.
  236. Illinois Tool Works Inc.
  237. ImClone Systems Inc.
  238. Infinity Property and Casualty Corp.
  239. InFocus Corp
  240. InfoSpace Inc.
  241. InnerWorkings Inc.
  242. Innovative Solutions and Support Inc.
  243. Insituform Technologies Inc.
  244. Insteel Industries Inc.
  245. Integrated Device Technology Inc.
  246. Intel Corp.
  247. Intellon Corporation
  248. Interactive Common S, Autodesk Inc.
  249. InterDigital Inc.
  250. International Game Technology
  251. Invacare Corp.
  252. inVentiv Health Inc.
  253. INVESTools Inc
  254. Invitrogen Corp.
  255. IPC Holdings Ltd.
  256. iRobot Corp.
  257. iShares
  258. iShares MSCI Japan
  259. iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index Fund
  260. Isle of Capri Casinos Inc.
  261. Jack In The Box Inc. (There's ingredients in their food you won't believe! Junk in the Box)
  262. JC. Penney Company Inc.
  263. Jos A. Bank Clothiers Inc.
  264. Kaiser Aluminum Corp.
  265. Kansas City Southern
  266. KEMET Corp.
  267. Kenexa Corp.
  268. Kforce Inc.
  269. Ladish Co. Inc.
  270. Lam Research Corp.
  271. Lancaster Colony Corp.,
  272. LandAmerica Financial Group Inc.
  273. Landstar System Inc.
  274. LCAVision Inc.
  275. LECG Corp.
  276. Lennox International Inc.
  277. Level 3 Communications Inc.
  278. Liberty Media Corp.
  279. Life Time Fitness Inc.
  280. Lifeway Foods Inc. (There's ingredients in their food you won't believe)
  281. Limelight Networks
  282. Live Nation Inc.
  283. LJ International Inc.
  284. Lockheed Martin Corp. (top secret technologies hidden from the public are developed here)
  285. Logitech International S.A.
  286. LouisianaPacific Corp.
  287. Lowe’s Companies Inc. (Place I no longer shop)
  288. LSI Industries Inc.
  289. Lyondell Chemical Company
  290. M. Castle & Co.
  291. Macy’s Inc.
  292. Maidenform Brands Inc.
  293. MAP Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  294. Marriott International Inc.
  295. Marvel Entertainment Inc.
  296. MasTec Inc.
  297. MasterCard Inc.
  298. Matria Healthcare Inc.
  299. Mattel Inc.
  300. Max Capital Group Ltd.
  301. McDermott International Inc.
  302. MeadWestvaco Corp.
  303. Mechel OAO, Broadcom Corp.
  304. Medarex Inc.
  305. MedCath Corp.
  306. MercadoLibre Inc.
  307. Merck & Co. Inc. (Big Pharma and one of the companies hard at work on the mark)
  308. Mesa Air Group Inc., Candela Corp.
  309. Metal Management Inc.
  310. Micrel Inc.
  311. Midas Inc.
  312. Midwest Air Group Inc
  313. Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Big Pharma and one of the companies hard at work on the mark)
  314. Mine Safety Appliances Company
  315. Minefinders Corp Ltd
  316. Minerals Technologies Inc.
  317. MKS Instruments Inc.
  318. Mkt Vctr Russia SBI
  319. Molson Coors Brewing Company
  320. Monaco Coach Corp.
  321. Monsanto (A weapons manufacturer turned Weaponized Food Modification Company)
  322. Obama’s biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros are major shareholders of Monsanto
    (one example: they purchased 900,000 and 500,000 Monsanto shares respectively in 2010)
    Hillary Clinton once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.
    Her campaign in 2016 was heavily funded by Monsanto.
  323. Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd.
  324. MSC Software Corp.
  325. Myers Industries Inc.
  326. Nabors Industries Ltd.
  327. Nalco Holding Company
  328. National Financial Partners Corp.
  329. National Instruments Corp.
  330. National Semiconductor Corp.
  331. Navios Maritime PTN
  332. NAVTEQ Corp.
  333. NCR Corp. (Owns the Point of Sale systems in nearly every major retailer and restaurant in North America: KEY POINT related to the Mark of the Beast)
  334. Net 1 UEPS Technologies Inc.
  335. Network Appliance Inc.
  336. Neurocrine Biosciences Inc.
  337. Newpark Resources Inc.
  338. NII Holdings Inc.
  339. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp.
  340. North American Palladium Ltd
  341. Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd, Heelys Inc.
  342. NovaGold Resources Inc
  343. Novell Inc.
  344. Noven Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  345. NPS Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  346. Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.
  347. NVR Inc.
  348. Oakley Inc. (Another company I've boycotted)
  349. Odyssey Healthcare Inc.
  350. Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc.
  351. Oilsands Quest Inc
  352. OM Group Inc.
  353. Omnicare Inc.
  354. On Assignment Inc.
  355. OpNext Inc.
  356. OrientExpress Hotels Ltd.
  357. Orthofix International N.V.
  358. Overstock com Inc.
  359. Owens & Minor Inc.
  360. Packeteer Inc.
  361. Pall Corp.
  362. Palm Inc.
  363. Pan American Silver Corp
  364. Panera Bread Company
  365. Pantry Inc.
  366. Par Pharmaceutical Companies Inc.
  367. Parallel Petroleum Corp.
  368. Payless ShoeSource Inc.
  369. Peabody Energy Corp.
  370. PepsiCo. Inc. (it's not soda you're drinking..and their water isn't what it says it is...)
  371. Performance Food Group Company (control of the food supply)
  372. Perini Corp.
  373. Permian Basin Royalty Trust
  374. Perrigo Company
  375. PetMed Express Inc.
  376. Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras
  377. PetroQuest Energy Inc.
  378. PharMerica Corp.
  379. Pharmion Corp.
  380. Philips LCD Co. Ltd.
  381. Pike Electric Corp.
  382. Pinnacle Airlines Corp. (Delta, KLM, US Airways)
  383. Pioneer Drilling Company
  384. Platinum Underwriters Holdings Ltd.
  385. Polaris Industries Inc.
  386. PolyOne Corp.
  387. Polypore International Inc.
  388. PowerSecure International Inc.
  389. Powerwave Technologies Inc.
  390. PPL Corp.
  391. PrePaid Legal Services Inc.
  392. ProAssurance Corp.
  393. Progressive Gaming International Corp.
  394. ProLogis
  395. Public Storage Inc.
  396. Pulte Homes Inc.
  397. QLogic Corp.
  398. QLT Inc.
  399. QualComm Inc.
  400. Quanex Corp.
  401. Quanta Services Inc.
  402. Quest Diagnostics Inc.
  403. Quest Software Inc.
  404. Questar Corp.
  405. R. Horton Inc.
  406. Rackable Systems Inc.
  407. RARE Hospitality International Inc.
  408. Raven Industries Inc.
  409. Raytheon Company
  410. RealNetworks Inc.
  411. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc.
  412. Research in Motion Ltd.
  413. Retail Ventures Inc.
  414. RockTenn Company
  415. Rockwood Holdings Inc.
  416. Rohm and Haas Company
  417. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
  418. Royal Gold Inc.
  419. RPM International Inc.
  420. Rush Enterprises Inc.
  421. Ruth’s Chris Steak House Inc.
  422. S. Bancorp
  423. S. Concrete Inc.
  424. S.V. Inc.
  425. S&P Europe 350 Index Fund
  426. Safeway Inc. (Sellers of GMO processed TOXIC food to the entire western usa)
  427. Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
  428. Sanderson Farms Inc. (food control)
  429. SanDisk Corp.
  430. Savient Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  431. Schlumberger Ltd.
  432. Scholastic Corp.
  433. Seabridge Gold Inc
  434. Secure Computing Corp.
  435. Select Comfort Corp.
  436. Sensient Technologies Corp.
  437. Service Corp. International
  438. Shire PLC.
  439. Shuffle Master Inc.
  440. Shutterfly Inc.
  441. Sierra Wireless Inc.
  442. Sigma Designs Inc.
  443. Silgan Holdings Inc.
  444. Silver Standard Resources Inc.
  445. Silver Wheaton Corp.
  446. Simon Property Group Inc.
  448. Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc.
  449. Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
  450. Sirona Dental Systems Inc.
  451. Skyworks Solutions Inc.
  452. SnapOn Inc.
  453. Solarfun Power Holdings Co. Ltd.
  454. SonicWALL Inc.
  455. Sotheby’s
  456. Spansion Inc.
  457. Spartan Motors Inc.
  458. Spartech Corp.
  459. StanCorp Financial Group Inc.
  460. Standard Motor Products Inc.
  461. Starbucks Corp. (The number 1 seller of genetically modified coffee beans on earth as well as the number one seller of GMO Hormone laden milk on earth #boycott this company)
  462. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.
  463. State Street Corp.
  464. Steiner Leisure Ltd.
  465. STERIS Corp.
  466. Stewart Enterprises, Inc.
  467. Stillwater Mining Company
  468. Strayer Education Inc. (Created to institute socialist NWO doctrine into the educations system)
  469. Sturm Ruger & Company Inc.
  470. Sun Hydraulics Corp.
  471. SunOpta Inc.
  472. Sunrise Senior Living Inc.
  473. Superior Essex Inc
  474. Superior Industries International Inc.
  475. SuperValu Inc.
  476. Inc.
  477. Sybase Inc.
  478. Symmetry Medical Inc.
  479. Symyx Technologies Inc.
  480. Synovus Financial Corp. (Has been buying up all the small banks in the USA for 30 years)
  481. TASER International Inc.
  482. Team Inc.
  483. Tech Data Corp.
  484. Tecumseh Products Company
  485. Teledyne Technologies Inc.
  486. TeleTech Holdings Inc.
  487. TempurPedic International Inc.
  488. Terra Industries Inc.
  489. The Bank of New York Mellon Corp.
  490. The Boston Beer Company Inc.
  491. The Commerce Group Inc.
  492. The Gap Inc.
  493. The GEO Group Inc.
  494. The Greenbrier Companies Inc.
  495. The Hanover Insurance Group Inc.
  496. The Lamson & Sessions Co.
  497. The McClatchy Company
  498. The New York Times Company (Control of the news told to the masses)
  499. The Phoenix Companies Inc.
  500. The SherwinWilliams Company
  501. The Southern Company
  502. The Stanley Works
  503. The Timberland Company
  504. The Toro Company
  505. The Valspar Corp.
  506. The Walt Disney Company Disney (666 is in their logo... nuff said there)
  507. Thor Industries Inc.
  508. Titan International Inc.
  509. TiVo Inc.
  510. TLC Vision Corp.
  511. Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. (that's not just chocolate you're eating)
  512. TransDigm Group Inc.
  513. TravelCenters of America LLC
  514. Tredegar Corp.
  515. TreeHouse Foods Inc.
  516. Triarc Companies Inc.
  517. TriQuint Semiconductor Inc.
  518. True Religion Apparel Inc.
  519. Tyson Foods Inc.
  520. Under Armour Inc.
  521. Unibanco Unio de Bancos Brasileiros S.A.
  522. Union Pacific Corp. (control of bulk transport in North America)
  523. United Industrial Corp.
  524. United Microelectronics Corp.
  525. United Natural Foods Inc. (Naturaly Monsanto foods is more like it)
  526. United Parcel Service, Inc.
  527. United Therapeutics Corp.
  528. UnitedHealth Group Inc.
  529. Universal American Financial Corp.
  530. Universal Corp.
  531. Universal Forest Products Inc.
  532. Universal Technical Institute Inc.
  533. US BioEnergy Corp.
  534. US Gold Corp.
  535. UTi Worldwide Inc.
  536. Valassis Communications Inc.
  537. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International
  538. Valmont Industries Inc.
  539. Varian Inc.
  540. VCG Holding Corp
  541. Vector Group Ltd.
  542. Venoco Inc.
  543. VF Corp., Nordstrom Inc.
  544. Viad Corp
  545. Vicor Corp.
  546. ViroPharma Inc.
  547. Vornado Realty Trust
  548. Wabash National Corp.
  549. Walgreen Company (Not your friendly neighborhood store)
  550. WalMart Stores Inc. (Soros is a stockholder but the Walton family own co-equal shares in this mega-giant corporation)
  551. Walter Industries Inc.
  552. Warren Resources Inc.
  553. Washington Group International
  554. Waste Connections Inc.
  555. Watson Wyatt Worldwide Inc.
  556. Wausau Paper Corp.
  557. Wells Fargo & Company
  558. Wendy’s International Inc.
  559. WESCO International Inc.
  560. West Pharmaceutical Services Inc.
  561. Western Digital Corp.
  562. Westlake Chemical Corp.
  563. Weyerhaeuser Company
  564. Whole Foods Market Inc. (You thought this one was started by "benevolent farmers"? Guess again)
  565. Willbros Group Inc.
  566. WinnDixie Stores Inc. (Absolute control of all bulk food as every major grocery chain is owned by or controlled by Soros and his friends)
  567. Winterthorne Inc. - Built the infamous WuHan Lab
  568. WMS Industries Inc.
  569. Wolverine World Wide Inc.
  570. Woodward Governor Company
  571. Worthington Industries Inc.
  572. WuXi PharmaTech Inc.
  573. Wyndham Worldwide Corp.
  574. Wynn Resorts Ltd.
  575. Yingli Grn Engy Adr, Iamgold Corp.
  576. Zenith National Insurance Corp.
  577. Zoltek Companies Inc.
  578. I get it if you feel like this... I did too. But what I have found is that knowing the truth has truly set me free from the lie that used to hold me...and even now seeks to enslave the souls of humanity for eternity.

As you can see above, it appears that just one person is able to exert enormous influence over seemingly everything.  But he's just one of the club and not in charge at all.

Collect yourself because it gets even more alarming. 

The Open Society also exercises covert influence over the French company Le AXE Group which is in the business of moving things (like vaccines) Axe Group | LinkedIn. for Mr. Soros company Winterthorne which built the Bio-Weapons Research Lab at Wuhan (pictured)

Wuhan Bio-Weapons Research Laboratory

was subsequently bought by the German Alliance for Trade (German Alliance for Trade Facilitation which coincidently has Vanguard ( Mutual funds, IRAs, ETFs, 401(k) plans, and more | Vanguard ) as a primary shareholder. Vanguard is also a majority shareholder of Blackrock (Financial Planning & Investment Management | BlackRock) which controls the Central Banks which are owned at arms length by shareholders beholden to the the House of Rothschild (House of Rothschild | Truth Control). As of this publication Blackrock manages 1/3 of the world's Global investment capital.

More independent study on the Rothschild family Rothschild family - Wikipedia (This family and 12 others are Master KEYS to the question because of their reach AND because they worship Satan and are all deeply involved in human sacrifice, sex majik, and divination. For over 100 years they've taken their marching orders from a matriarchal order called The Mothers of Darkness. In recent years the occult and the order have moved to a patriarchal order since the crowning of the Anti-Christ in 2018 - ok sorry that was a tangent...but still a bedrock one.  I'll link to resources on this topic on my blog at | J Freeman & Son LLC (

Blackrock is also a primary shareholder of Microsoft which is owned via majority stock holdings (but no longer managed directly) by the self proclaimed eugenicist Bill Gates. 

Watch this before continuing The Bill Gates Agenda (

Along with all you just learned about Bill (Gates of Hell)...He is also a shareholder of BioNTech SE (/ˌb.ɒnˈtɛk/ BYE-on-TEK or /ˌb.ɒnˈtɛk/ BEE-on-TEK;[2] short for Biopharmaceutical New Technologies) which is a German biotechnology company based in Mainz that develops and manufactures active immunotherapies for patient-specific approaches to the treatment of diseases. It develops pharmaceutical candidates based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) for use as individualized cancer immunotherapies, as vaccines against infectious diseases and as protein replacement therapies for rare diseases, and also engineered cell therapy, novel antibodies   and small molecule immunomodulators as treatment options for cancer.

The company has developed an mRNA-based human therapeutic for intravenous administration to bring individualized mRNA-based cancer immunotherapy to clinical trials and to establish its own manufacturing process.[3] However, a look at the patents shows clearly that this is not a theraputic but rather a bio-weapon. 

In 2020, BioNTech, partneried with Pfizer which, remember, now sells a "Vaccine" (which is actually the experimental mRNA bio-weapon)💣and was coincidently the 1st sponsor of the World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO | World Health Organizationwhich is managed by the Trilateral Commission (Update – April, 2021 -Trilateral Commission worldwide membership list is released here – You can fool nearly all the people… ( which is managed by the Committee of 300 (Link Below with WARNING)..which according to their own statement has a singular purpose for existing - The Committee of 300 (Agenda 21 now Agenda 2030) - To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified global church and monetary system under their direction. The Committee of 300 is ruled directly by the Council of 13 (

To learn everything there is to know about the Committee of 300 and all the other front organizations that this same cabal of corporations and owners like 

  1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
  2. Bruce
  3. Cavendish (Kennedy)
  4. Medici
  5. Hanover
  6. Habsburg [House of Habsburg - Wikipedia]
  7. Krupp[Krupp - Wikipedia The House of Krupp: The Steel Dynasty that Armed the Nazis: ]
  8. Plantagenet [House of Plantagenet - Wikipedia]
  9. Rockefeller (Gates, Kushner)
  10. Romanov [House of Romanov - Wikipedia]
  11. Sinclair [House of Sinclair - WappenWiki (St. Clair) Clan Sinclair - Wikipedia]
  12. Warburg [Warburg family - Wikipedia(the Banks)]
  13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
  14. Freeman Bloodline
  15. Li Bloodline
  16. Farnese
  17. Collins
Non-Council Ruling families who are part of the Cabal now aligned with the 13 families
  1. Aldobrandini [Aldobrandini family - Wikipedia]
  2. Astor[John Jacob Astor | Immigrant Entreprenuership (]
  3. Collgate (William Colgate - Wikipedia)

 and so many more...some I won't mention for my own safety and that of my family... you can follow this link to the CIA's website and read alllll about it. If you click this link you should have the following running. 

1. You should NOT be on WIFI. 

2. You must use a good VPN and I recommend using ProtonVPN. 

Sidebar on ProtonVPN. It was created by the organization responsible for taking Tim Berners Lee's invention (The internet) and creating the world's 1st website. That Organization is CERN. YES! The one trying to create interdimensional portals and researching the "God particle."  Despite their direct link with this cabal of Globalists they do one thing very well... encryption and privacy.  No doubt due to their inherent need for total secrecy. 

3. You must use ToR browser and NONE OTHER.  Other browsers do not anonymize your traffic.

Click the link below if you're ready to read a story that will change your world view forever.



The Virus, according to world renowned Geneticist Dr. Judy Mikovits, was initially researched and invented (yes synthetically created aka it is a Novel meaning new Virus) at the now shuttered top-Secret 
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland — the U.S. military's lead laboratory for "biological defense" research since the late 1960s and subsequently moved the research to the lab at Wuhan for gain of function work.  All of which was funded by Nathan Rothschild, Soros, The John D. Rockerfeller Foundation who's corporations or agents are listed as the person(s) filing for the Patents and John is largely credited with being the "Father" of big Pharma.

Learn how he earned that title when you watch this BEDROCK video.

These next two movies are probably the most important bedrock in this entire make time for them... then come back here when you're done!



Now you need to watch this video by Dr. Mikovits before you continue: 

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Cov19 CAUSED by Vaccines (

The Virus in question was Invented by these scientists and engineers:





























Almost without exception AMERICANS... this is not a "CHINESE VIRUS."

OK ...WITH ALLLLL THAT you're feeling overwhelmed by now... Take a breath.. Pray... ask God to Grace you with the focus you need and a spirit of love and a sound mind!  Get a drink... we're about to go down the rabbit hole even more.


See Each National Graph Below Showing How
Covid Injections Are Increasing Mortality Rates
And Reversing Downward Death Trends

What the many graphs below clearly indicate are two crucial data points about the Covid "Super Vaccination" Agenda.

First, that virtually every country in the world was trending downward — precipitously — as the world community of nations started to approach natural herd immunity for COVID-19 at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021.

Secondly, that as soon as the various Covid "vaccines" were rolled out worldwide, virtually every country was saw a sharp spike in SAR-COV-2 cases, and especially in Covid deaths.

The red line in each graph below shows the trending toward herd immunity.  The blue line indicates the extraordinary Covid death spikes which occurred shortly after each nation rolled out their vaccine programs.

Such an obvious genocidal outcome could only have occurred by highly purposeful design; and with the close coordination of numerous national, corporate, NGO and other institutional co-conspirators.

Let’s take a close look at India since their vaccine-rekindled Covid crisis has recently captured the attention of the whole world.  Here’s the relevant graph tracking India’s downward trend followed by an explosion of Covid deaths.

This completely avoidable mushrooming of Covid deaths across India occurred because of two critical developments, which were replayed around the globe with uncanny precision.

#1 — The WHO, Big Pharma, CDC, NIH, FDA and other agencies of the US Government ran a massive disinfo campaign to compel every country to immediately discontinue the use of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Zinc and/or any other effective treatments and successful protocols being used for COVID-19 patients.

#2 — These same genocidal co-conspirators ramped up the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda throughout the entire world community of nations to get everyone on the same vaccine game plan (aka the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda).  Only in this way could the perps prevent any particular nation from showing off their vaccineless success story.

Now, here’s another graph that reflects this exact sequence of events in India.  New Delhi was trumpeting the tremendous success Indians were experiencing with their very inexpensive Ivermectin kits.  And then look what happened in March of 2021 after millions were vaccinated and Ivermectin was stopped.


What follows are the graphs correlating the Covid vaccine rollouts with Covid death increases nation by nation which occurred late 2020 and early 2021.

More graphs for the remaining nations can be viewed at the following VIDEO: Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality (Video)

So now my friend we have PROVEN beyond argument the Injections are 1. not vaccines 2. dangerous 3. killing millions world wide and 4. the deadly driver of Agenda 21 ("The Great Culling" as the illuminati call it and Revelation speaks of as a plague or pestillence). 

BUT are the jabs part of the Mark of the Beast?  I still contend a resounding "YES!"

Read on to see why...


Stage one - Precursor to the Mark - Weather Control Technology 

Stick with me. I promised I wouldn't go on too many tangents while answering a seemingly simple question.  You'll have to trust me this isn't "another tangent" but rather a key component, a pillar if you will, of the answer.

Nikola Tesla was the greatest scientific and esoteric minds since King Solomon. His was the Scientific research that led to world wide H.A.A.R.P. Arrays. Tesla was a Khabbalist well versed in the Zohar, Torah and Tannach.

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program was initiated as an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It was designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies. Wikipedia

Location: GakonaAlaskaUnited States
Established: 1993
Field of research: Ionosphere

    Operating agency: University of Alaska Fairbanks

 This stage of the rollout is technology based on Nikola Tesla‘s discoveries of how to control bio-spheric energy, electricity, plasma, microwave (2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 6g-11g) and macrowave frequencies, weather systems and more. The systems have been tested since the Tesla’s day and were used as weaponized weather in Vietnam and many other places as facilities sprung up across the earth.  As you learned in the Video about Bill Gates much of the funding for this has come from Bill. Other contributors read all to familiar; Nathan Rothschild, Rockerfeller Foundation, Klaus Schwaab etc... Birds of a feather always flock together...

Publications allowed to be visible to the public cover the original dates these technologies began being used against humanity.  Weaponized weather is very very real. In fact my research discovered that we haven't had ANY natural weather for quite some time.  Watch this film.

Step two So as you now understand from The Dimming film we have been being sprayed like bugs for decades. This began after the discovery of a synthetic carbon based liquid crystal. A Nano sized particle -compound that can be controlled/activated by electrical signals and microwave frequencies. This “Nano-dust” or Smart Dust as it is referred to, began being sprayed into the atmosphere (chemtrails) and added to vaccines that predate the latest abomination of an injection.

Smartdust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. Wikipedia

Vaccines and myriad other compounds added to vaccines have been tested on billions within diverse populations in austere locations all over the earth. This dust is now in everything on the surface of the earth. It is in the water table. It is in your food. It is in your body. And it can be activated and is stimulated by microwave radio frequencies in the range of 3G to 12G.  Look up the tests. with a few exceptions related to national security and redacted documents no one is trying to hide this information from you. Everything has been developed in the open. you’ve been shown everything. You just weren’t aware that’s what was happening. The source information has however, been a lot of work to find.

Step three is the poke with Quantum dot hydrogel, graphene oxide, luciferase (patent 2020060606) and ab0rted baby mRN@ as a quantum biological base operating system. This synthetic living Nano technology, once introduced to the human body leaves the injection site and travels to every cell in your body including your brain tissues and begins to replicate. It is synthetic and therefore can never be removed or detoxed out of your system. It is a permanent “mark.” The compound in the poke allows for local area network broadcast capability of the biological data of the carrier (Those who get take the MotB). Here is an image leaked by Pfizer employee whistleblower of the effect of the ingredients in the shot.

Stage three is coming soon. It's ready for rollout now but they are waiting for more absolute control and for billions more to die off over the next 2 to 5 years due to complications from the injection. Those complications will manifest as contagious Cancers, turbo-cancers that kill within weeks of detection, from the injections spike proteins shedding on people so called "vaccinated" people come in contact with, Myocarditis, Pneumonia, Parkinson's, Bells Palsy and myriad other immune responses as your body tries to remove the seething energies of Lucifer inherent in the hydrogel, luciferase and graphene oxide in the shot.  Right now we outnumber the Cabal members Hundreds of Millions to one and they are changing that ratio right now.  They seek to brainwash a generation (Z) and have a fresh new trans-human and Chimera military force to execute the will of Anti-Christ who will remain on the throne for more years. Time, for them, is running out. They are getting desperate!

The shot 100% biblically qualifies as the mark but the roll out to interface you with IOT (internet of things) is not complete yet.

So what is stage three??  - Subdermal Tattoos and Neuralink

It is the implantable quantum subdermal tattoo developed over the last decade by Microsoft, MIT and Darpa with oversight by various black budget entities within our own Government. 

The tattoo will be sold to you as a more convenient way to keep and use your soon to be legally required “vaccine passport” (for your own safety and security) 🙄. It will be painlessly put in the right hand & forehead of volunteers at first but eventually forced on pain of death.  The tattoo allows for wide area broadcast of your bio-data to the 5g Networks.  Used  in conjunction with facial recognition all the compounds combined make you a trans human that turns the carrier (mark recipients) into a wifi receiver and broadcast unit in the internet of things (IOT) and allows the carriers every move, bio system health and brainwave thought patterns to be monitored 24/7 365 by the AI (image of the beast) that is now running. It will allow for absolute control of every human being who receives the mark.  Those who fall out of line can simply be killed with a 5g to 13g frequency pulse sent to their mobile device or nearest unit via their own IOT devices.

2024 Update: Elon musk has introduced Neuralink The implications of this tech and the rollout of the world wide connected network is beyond contestation the beast network and control platform. Anyone who got the jab can be seen by the Neuralink Network.

In addition it allows for connection to the new quantum financial system that has been developed by the exact same people who brought you fiat currencies collectively referred to as the Cabal or Khazarian Mafia. It is based on blockchain/crypto/nft tech which is about to replace the worlds fractional reserve banking system and all of its associated fiat currency‘s a.k.a. paper money.  

Your paper money will be worthless very very soon. I strongly suggest you get out of it and into XRP for a gold back blockchain currency, GOLD in physical form, seeds...yes food seeds, land, ammo repacker.  I understand that crypto is the beast system so you may decide it's time to cut the umbilical chord completely but if you need to exit smoothly moving into crypto before they lock it down completely after they collapse the USD shortly, then do it. We are told to endure to the end to receive a crown!

Unless you live under a rock you have been hearing about this shift and “need for a better global system” in the news since before 2001 when George Bush announced "the founders vision for a new world order."  The owners of the existing Fiat currency system federal reserve fractional banking system are collapsing their own system and replacing it with a new one. There is a war going on behind the scenes for control of the world's assets between several groups in the east, west and the P3 Freemasons aka Rothschild's who have owned everything for over 200 years.  At the highest level it is the Breakspear family and the House of Orsini at war for control of the currency and new quantum financial system..

This long term event has been called “the great reset.” It has already begun. Your dollar is collapsing in value at a rate of 13% monthly right now under the Biden Crime Family.. Just go to the gas pump or the grocery store and look at what you can get for the same amount you used to spend to completely fill your cart.  Hyperinflation has hit America just like it did in the Weimar Republic where a wheel barrel of Deutschemark bills could only buy you a loaf of bread and bricks of cash were often used as fire fuel to keep people warm during the cold powerless and oil short winters.

What’s your source? how do you know all this? I don't like you and you're not qualified to tell me all this... I'm so upset by this information I'm going to attack you personally and publicly in hopes I'll feel better...  and somehow discredit this post... maybe if I can make you look bad people won't believe the facts you posted..

Whatever your reaction....

Literally everything I have told you here is searchable by a diligent researcher online with a willingness to release all bias and stay in it even if it means sending Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get past the bureaucracy of the Government and corporations. 

Watch this documentary just released in November of 2022 to the world

Publications from Microsoft, IBM, DARPA, USPTO, the Fed, our own governments bills and Emergency Powers act, Presidential Orders, the military, the federal reserve, the CDC, the FDA, the CFR, the trilateral commission, the committee of 300 and so many more corporations all clearly state this is what they are creating. It is happening NOW through 2030.  This is why there is such a hyper focus on your children. They have planned for resistance from the older crowd who grew up with freedom and Patriotism for the great Republic under God. It is referred to in Project Lockstep (look it up) as "PUSHBACK" from the public. They expect resistance from people who love free market Capitalism which rewards hard work and ingenuity and doesn't force you to share your rewards with people unwilling to contribute or work.

It matters not if you believe me or don't. The end game IS the founders of the Masonic/Illuminati orders vision. Once written in stone. A new ten commandments for the New World Order.

The following ten messages are inscribed on one of the structure’s giant slabs. These ten “messages” are written on the Guidestones in eight different languages. Those languages are English, Swahili, Russian, Spanish, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese. Although they are not numbered on the monument itself, they are presented in this order in every language:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature (kill off 7 billion people - the great culling)
  2. Guide reproduction wisely (abortion and genetic engineering) – improving fitness and diversity
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language
  4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court (United Nations under the CFR ruled by Anti-Christ)
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials (remove the constitution)
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties (communism)
  9. Prize truth – beauty – love-seeking harmony with the infinite (false religion)
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth – leave room for nature – leave room for nature. 

The Guidestone have since been destroyed by the Illuminati. They were struck by DEW lightning so powerful one of them cracked and they were subsequently demolished by the State of Georgia under pressure from white hats.

Make no mistake the Fourth Reich is here now deeply embedded in all the areas you have watched and read about above. The web of lies over humanity is absolute, complete and inescapable without divine intervention. Only Yeshuah and the elect with his host of mighty angels can save the world now.

Only America's constitution remains in the way, and she is under judgment for her many sins and is about to be removed (expect Nuclear attacks on our soil) barring an absolute miracle which will come only when Yeshuah *Jesus returns. The Bible says when they all "cry Peace and Safety then sudden destruction will come." One only has to turn off the TV and research diligently to find the bedrock I have shared. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The rabbit holes are deep and seemingly endless. It took me since 2008 to find bedrock in many of the holes I followed like a blood hound.

Friend, when compared to biblical scripture and prophecy there is no question or doubt or refutation or argument. This is the inexorable end game. The vaccine is not a vaccine it is an extremely experimental mRNA technology that changes you at a genetic level forever marking you as a patented Chimera.  It is a bio-weapon to further the vision of the UN's founders as described above and freely searchable online to learn all the science behind it. It is stage two and is the next step in the  Mark of the Beast. Full stop.

I wish I could bear better news. However the eugenicists in control of the systems we depend on also have planned a famine starting with Australia. Bill Gates has bought up 68% of the farmland in America and they are planning to stop food production soon. The Biden administration is now paying farmers to destroy their crops and livestock.  Billions of Chickens are being slaughtered because 1 of them supposedly got bird flu.  Dozens of million chicken farms have been sabotaged. Look it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This has been going on for decades.

Watch this video:

“This year, farmers are being offered 1.5 times the value of their crops to destroy them,” one man in the above video states. “They’re also being told by the federal government that they will not receive subsidies for farming if they refuse to destroy their crops.”

“That means that the farmer cannot afford to provide you with food based upon the taxes the government is levying on him if the government doesn’t give him back his tax money to provide you with food.”

If you are unfamiliar with the factory farming tax subsidy scam, be sure to check out one of our earlier articles from several years back, which explains how chemical agriculture is artificially propped up, and thus controlled, by the federal government.

“And, well, they’re not going to subsidize them if they don’t destroy the crops,” the same man in the video further explains. “We’ve got eight months to get our own food supply or we’re probably going to be facing mass starvation.”

Government also forcing oil to be dumped straight into the ground

In addition to food destruction, the Biden regime is also demanding that oil supplies be drained from tankers and dumped onto the ground.

At a time when gas in some parts of the country has now breached $5 a gallon, precious oil supplies are being pumped out of stockpiles and poured into the environment.

One of the clips in the above video shows a man explaining how he was told via letter that he had to pump out all the oil from a tanker and dump it or else face punishment. He filmed himself pumping the oil out of a hose attached to his truck onto a dirt path next to what appeared to be corn crops.

In another clip, a man at a warehouse also explained that he and his team have been ordered to stop unloading and distributing goods from shipping containers, many of which are still floating out in the ocean with nowhere to port.

What we are witnessing is the planned destruction of the country at the hands of tyrants. Food, oil and goods are being destroyed or refused entry into the country, which almost every person featured in the video warns will soon become obvious at stores and at the gas pump.

Right now, existing supplies of many consumer goods are somewhat enough to keep the shelves from going completely bare. But in the not-too-distant future, this is all going to catch up and the wreckage will become obvious to everyone.

“They receive orders to destroy their farms and oil supplies, ordering them to grind their crops into the ground and dump their oil all over the road – and the idiots are doing it!” wrote one commenter in condemnation of the people in the video who are just obeying orders.

“They’re actually destroying their own farms and supplies. What is surprising to me is many of them are fully aware they are destroying their farm products and are doing it anyway. I’ve never seen so many people this stupid. Something is fundamentally wrong with these people.”

More related news about the engineered collapse of America can be found at

...and don't roll your blinded eyeballs... PROVE it wrong!  

You cannot disprove facts...and don't be mad because I beat you to the bedrock data. I love you and want you to endure and repent and call on the name of YHWH and be saved! I've assembled FACTS here for ANYONE with an eye to see and an ear to hear and the emotional intelligence to study and draw a conclusion regardless of propaganda narratives being sold as "trust the science."  Don't trust anyone.. don't trust ME. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH while you can...

You have been warned. Yeshuah (Jesus) is coming much sooner than people think. When he takes his overcomers it will shake the world and the CABAL has already planned to spin it as an alien invasion/abduction.  Before the great and terrible Day of the Lord foretold in Revelation and Matthew 24 life will be a nightmare unlike anything anyone has ever seen on the earth from the day of its creation until it’s end! Repent my friend!  The kingdom of heaven is at hand!  The Bible warns those obedient to God to flee the cities and run and hide! We are to avoid and prevent the mark going into us or our children by whatever means and no matter the costs personally. Many of us will be taken to the 1800 FEMA Camps now are waiting to receive enemies of the CABAL... FREE MEN AND WOMEN WHO LOVE THE CONSTITUTION AND ONE NATION UNDER YHWH GOD!  MANY OF US WILL BE BEHEADED WITH THE GUILLOTINES PURCHASED BY OBAMA OCTOBER 11th, 2016 FOR THIS PLAN...

Nearly all of the Executive orders in the REX 84 Program have been activated under Joe Biden while the CABAL run media continues to foment General Aquino's Mind War psyop and multifarious military and civilian secret operations. The executive order to sieze all money in the fiat system they created is looming as I type this update. Whatever freedoms remain will be removed under Trump during his second term. He is not the savior you think he is. Sorry...but he is the beast mentioned in Revelation and hundreds of millions

Never heard of REX 84?  Get caught up here

But do not be discouraged! For with the horror of the Tribulation comes great opportunity to “buy oil” as the wise virgins in the parable of the ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-15.  Remember this life is only a tiny test in the view of eternity.

Furthermore Scripture promises to those who endure to the end amazing rewards!  We are promised that we will receive a crown of righteousness, new radiant white garments and a white stone with new names written on them, to drink of the Water of Life flowing from the throne of YHWH freely, to take of the fruit and the leaves of the tree of life which give eternal life and her leaves are for the healing of the nations!  Look it up!

After this large data dump you probably have lots of questions.  I will not answer your questions. You have to buy your own oil and do your own research. I started here many many years ago... you can do the same. Resource:  However, my best advice is that you read the CEPHER Bible cover to cover and to spend as much time as we have left sharing the Gospel of Yahusha (Jesus) and the LOVE OF GOD with everyone you can! Cepher™ | 3rd Edition 2021 | Free Shipping Available


Strong suggestions; 


Trust YHWH (God)! Repent (Stop partaking of the world and it's pleasures to partake of His word and his love moment by moment)! Submit your life to the living Torah, Yeshuah Ha’Meshiach (Jesus Christ the Messiah) walk in obedience to him through Ruach Ha’kodesh ( The Holy Ghost)! Share the good news of salvation with everyone who will listen! Let them know they are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb of God our Messiah!  Come all who are thirsty....come all you who hunger and thirst for righteousness!!! COME! NOW!!!! Here is my fellowship and I hope you'll be fed here! (9) Assembly of Called-Out Believers - YouTube


Get out of the cities now! Freedom Travel by air is nearly over and soon 4th Reich checkpoints will be in place on all major highways in the US. (Source: FEMA)! Flee to the country/wilderness: It is this authors belief there will be no safe places (based on research into surveillance tech and it's actual state of the art) inside the continental USA.  Texas is being attacked right now by another Soros funded immigrant wave of over 8000 people and it won't stop until that state has enough people beholden to the Communist Party aka Democratic party to take the state away from liberty loving Texans for good.... From what I can see right now states that will fall last will be Alabama, South Dakota and maybe some of the midwest bible belt states.

Non-compliant people who haven't run as the Bible says to (FLEE THE CITIES) will be sent to FEMA "Reorientation Camps" LOOK THEM UP!!!!

Scuttlebutt is Costa Rica, Northern Alaska wilderness because "who in their right mind would want to live in the ice and snow year round?"...unless, of course, it meant an eternity with the King.

Before you flee... (here's the sources I've found for FREE over the years to prepare for this hour.)

You'll need to know how to survive out there:

#1 is water... clean drinking water.


If you can't afford to buy this amazing filter and enough replacement filters for 3 years here are other ways to make water somewhat drinkable.

(29) How to Purify Water part 1 | Survival Training | Tactical Rifleman - YouTube
(29) How to Purify Water Part 2 | IODINE - CHLORINE - CHLORFLOC | Survival Training | Tactical Rifleman - YouTube
(29) Ten Ways To Purify Water For Drinking In The Backcountry For Bushcraft, Camping, or Survival - YouTube
(29) DIY Salt-Water Survival Bottle (Compact Desalination Kit) - YouTube

Never drink Tap water! EVER! Its full of the nano-dust, Graphene Oxide, PFOA's and other pharmaceuticals, Chorine and Fluoride which is actually Rat Poison (LOOK IT UP).

As for general Bushcraft my friend Greg Oven's will show you how to thrive in the Rocky Mountain Wilderness or similiar terrain 
(12) Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft - YouTube 

(9) 10 Wilderness Survival Tips in 10 Minutes - YouTube 

(9) 25 Edible Plants, Fruits and Trees for Wilderness Survival - YouTube

(12) 20 Wilderness Survival Tips and Bushcraft Skills - YouTube

Buy heirloom seeds of every plant, fruit or vegetable that you want to live on for the next seven years. Variety is important for peace of mind and your sense of well being. Survival Garden 15000 Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable Seed 32 Variety Open – (9) Wild Food Foraging- Season 3- Milkweed, Tree Cambium, Fiddlehead, Pine, Cattail, Evergreens, Birch - YouTube

Learn how to make medicine: (9) Sharing Medicines: Balsam Bark, Poplar Bark, Sage, Sweetgrass, and Wihkes. - YouTube

Make a whole lot of Pemmican for your journey!!!!! (12) Pemmican Recipe - How To Make Pemmican - YouTube

Stockpile sources of fuel if you plan to use vehicles. Make Ethanol Fuel for Your Vehicles at Home (

Plan for days of darkness.  (9) How To Start A Fire - Bushcraft Style - YouTube

Plan for bitter Nuclear winters. (17) 10 Winter Survival Tips Everyone Must Know - YouTube

Plan for fervent heat in the summer the likes of which you’ve never seen. (12) Survive HEAT STRESS - How to Avoid Heatstroke and Death In Hot Climate | Army Survival Video - YouTube

I recommend getting young female chickens (just three or four is an 8 year supply of daily eggs). plant CLOVER (from the seeds you bought) wherever you wind up.. they love it and it makes the eggs turn lovely colors. If you have the skillset you can always trap egg laying birds in the wild but Chickens are the easiest and are a key part of a permaculture lifestyle in the wilderness.

There are 1000’s of survival guides on Youtube, Rumble, etc... but I suggest you get a book (NOT A DIGITAL ONE BECAUSE YOU'LL BE LEAVING YOUR MOBILE PHONES BEHIND) on what plants, tubers and mushrooms you can eat that grow in the wild and I suggest you have a map of all the water bodies in places you plan to run to. You’ll need water purification to last 7 years or to learn how to make natural water purification with barks, mosses, gravels, sand etc. You’ll need to know how to collect dew every morning so you always have some water unless in the desert…in which case you’ll have to dig for well/water table sources.  

I may keep this post updated from time to time as new data and information emerges as I discover more things in my research. however, when the Ruach (Holy Spirit) tells me to flee I am leaving my cell phone and all electronic devices behind and you should too.

This is all you will need to stay connected to the most prepared people in the US and Canada: A shortwave radio and HAM radio 

(5) Mike Glover Talks Ham Radio and Preparedness - YouTube
(5) The Frightening Truth About HAM Radio Failure after SHTF - Prepper Communications - YouTube
(5) Prepper Radios: SI4732 All Band Shortwave Radio! - YouTube
(5) Learn About Shortwave Listening (SWL) for Beginners (#352) - YouTube

Now if you want to go "full battle rattle" on your exfil here is John showing you the FULL COMBAT SETUP - Best Bang for the Buck Edition

it may cost around 50k to get it all... fyi.


Diligent seekers of the truth! If you want to know your enemy so you can enter into true warfare prayer as the day of the Lord approaches you're going to watch the following videos.

(81) John Todd - Former Occultist Explaining the Illuminati Part 1 - YouTube

(81) John Todd - Former Occultist Explaining the Illuminati Part 2 - YouTube

Home - Plandemic (

The Love and Grace of our Lord Yeshuah Ha'meshiach be with you all,

Your brother in Christ,

Jonathan Freeman aka FreemanActual

Semper Fidelis


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