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Showing posts from January, 2022

Dire Warning from a Scottish Priest - Illuminati plans laid out, predictions made, prophecy fulfilled

Click to watch this dire warning 👀 Everything in this video has been on point til now. The timeline may be off a bit but it matches up with the Biblical calendar as far as I can tell... So take what you will from this. I took away how fragile life is and how short and how important it is to be fully committed to being pure 🩸and serving Hashem the only living God who created all things and who, out of his great love, provided our Salvation!  You may not believe it but you are living at the end of days and after 30+ years of study, there are only two options in that context I can see. Live for the reward of getting to walk with God and his son, Yeshuah/Jesus forever OR live for this perishing world and it's pleasures and lusts and forever be separated from Yahuah and his son Yeshuah/Jesus in eternity which alone is Hell not to mention the descriptions of that place of judgement for those who reject their creator. ALL the signs are in the faces of all of humanity... The mark is he

Recent moves make final cabal defeat in 2022 probable

By  Windlander Weekly Reports There are multiple signs that a final defeat of the Satanic Khazarian mafia is likely in 2022. The year 2021 year of the bull featured a largely successful defense against a Khazarian mafia plot to kill 90% of humanity. Now, the year of the tiger means we go on the offensive and destroy the final remnants of this ancient, evil cabal. The key to victory is to locate and apprehend David Rockefeller Jr. and other members of the Rockefeller family in order to end their control of the Fortune 500 companies, including the pharmacidical corporations promoting the fake pandemic and related vaccine fascism, Mossad and CIA sources say. Until this happens, the corporate US government, their fake Joe Biden regime and treasonous governments in the G7 remain the heart of darkness on the planet earth. Video Player 00:00 00:13 While most of the world has been protected from the Khazarian mafia attempt to kill six billion people, Asian secret socie