Dire Warning from a Scottish Priest - Illuminati plans laid out, predictions made, prophecy fulfilled
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Everything in this video has been on point til now. The timeline may be off a bit but it matches up with the Biblical calendar as far as I can tell... So take what you will from this. I took away how fragile life is and how short and how important it is to be fully committed to being pure 🩸and serving Hashem the only living God who created all things and who, out of his great love, provided our Salvation! You may not believe it but you are living at the end of days and after 30+ years of study, there are only two options in that context I can see. Live for the reward of getting to walk with God and his son, Yeshuah/Jesus forever OR live for this perishing world and it's pleasures and lusts and forever be separated from Yahuah and his son Yeshuah/Jesus in eternity which alone is Hell not to mention the descriptions of that place of judgement for those who reject their creator.
ALL the signs are in the faces of all of humanity... The mark is here, the grip of Yahuah's enemy is complete on the earth and he has come down to us with great wrath and intent to end the lives of everyone. Some are sound asleep, others fully brainwashed and have fallen victim to a spell the scale of which most not in the know wouldn't believe if they were explicitly shown how it is done upon a population. However, if you want to learn about how we have gotten here you can google MindWar by Aquino. On the other hand, Ephesian's 5:15-17 says, "Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is..."
These days I'm aware of how precious every moment is. My heart aches for those who don't believe in their own creator nor his hand delivered salvation, Jesus Christ, Yeshuah. My mind swims with the thoughts of the task we have as Children of God the TRUE light, my soul aches when I think of what it must look like from God's throne room as he looks down upon humanity in overt or unknowing rebellion and with Lucifer firmly in control of Lucifer's system. There are no words for the pain of that thought...
Can you imagine what it must be like? You create your masterpiece and it turns on you. You provide a way back home to your love and that is also rejected. How would YOU feel? Now multiply that by billions... 😔😢 Ouch...
Tonight I want to encourage you to talk to Yahuah. Pray. Seek his face while he may still be found. He is preparing to lift his hand of restraint off the earth and to allow Satan to fulfill the role for which he was created; the great sifter and sorter or souls. Those who resist the devil see him flee from them. Those who live for themselves, earthly pleasure, wealth or fame will have their reward with Satan and his angels. It really is that black and white. Yeshuah is coming sooner than you think. Time is swiftly passing by and since November of 2017 you and I....all of us... have entered the beginning of sorrows spoken of by him in Matthew. The only question now is how will you finish your race? Will you allow besetting sin to drag you to the pit and the tormentors? Will you allow lust to destroy your eternity? Will you allow that unequally yoked relationship to rob you of your crown and reward?
Hebrews Chapter 12 says, "
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let
us fix our eyes on Yeshuah, the author and perfecter of our faith, who
for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and
sat down at the right hand of the throne of God!
The goal is God's throne. The goal is to meet with Hashem. The goal is to daily live in the presence of GOD HIMSELF! Yeshuah is our ensample and the only man who lived the life God intended for YOU...for me...
We ARE in a race whether you know it or not... You're too smart for all that? You don't believe in God or some race thingy? Well you best start believing Friend...because you're in one. The end of which is only moments away in terms of the span of time; time which had a beginning and time which will soon have an end.
Don't go to bed tonight without talking to God. Pray and confess your sin before his throne, humble yourself like a child comes to a parent to say they're sorry for doing wrong... thank him for BEING Salvation and providing it for you through his Son Yeshua. Ask God to give you his Holy Spirit afresh and thank Jesus for laying down his life to pay for sin and your sins.
Your maker LOVES YOU dear friend.... will you reject him? Won't you turn to him right now? Won't you not waste another second apart from him?
#repent #watchandpray #disconnectfromtheworld #liveforGod
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