Is the Bible Truth? Is it's description of the heavens and earth facts? Is the moon solid? Is the sun solid?
This document is in progress and is often updated. Check back for new information regularly. Watch the video and you may think, "That dude is a lunatic." Everyone knows the moon is rock floating in nothing." 👀 Eric Dollard, who's entire paradigm was based on a heliocentric model, claimed the SUN is not burning plasma but interdimensional energy of some kind. The Bible says that God made light first. Then he made TWO great LIGHTS. One to govern the day and the other LIGHT to govern the darkness. He never said that he made one light that reflects off of a "space rock." My conclusions after looking at this research spoken of in the video are the following: 1. The Bible's description of heaven and earth are 100% accurate and are not allegorical or attempts at describing a heliocentric universe. Therefore creation is God's masterpiece. a. the earth is flat - a finite PLANE(add a T and tell people we are a meaningless microdot floating in infini...