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Hidden Truths They Hope You Never Learn! - URGENT WORD TO CHRISTIANS!

Its true.... we have all been lied to. Pfizer, Moderna, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the CDC in collusion with the world health organization are all hoping the public never discovers the following facts about this “miracle injection” that will “cure the world” from an “invisible enemy”: "

Lets state for the record emphatically that this injection is NOT a Vaccine.” - dr. Judy Mikovitz

So now that you know the truth and see that dozens of leading experts and virologists all agree the injection is not a vaccine? Then what is it?

According to documents on the CDC and WHO website as well as secured Patents that can be read on the website or found on Google, the injection is a nano-sized medical device. 


What is in the JAB is a Quantum Dot made of a new substance called Graphene. Its sole purpose is to carry a synthetic mRNA (Messenger RNA) housed in a nano-size synthetic device....delivered via a new hydrogel named Luciferase (bioluminescent) into a host.

 US Patent 2020606060 (666) 

Once injected it attaches to the cell wall and injects the mRNA (messenger RNA) into the cytoplasm of your cells. The mRNA then attacks your cells organelles and mitochondria where it reprograms the DNA strand instructing it to produce T-cells aka the COV-ID19 Virus which are then ejected from the cell as a toxin.  The result is a synthetic cell body covered in antigens /viruses...horrible looking Frankenstein cells.

Click this link to see one: What you're looking at in this picture are cells AFTER the mRNA has reprogrammed the DNA strand.

The immune system recognizes the “frankencell” as a toxin and immediately dispatches one of two anti-bodies to kill the cell. There are two subclasses of the IgA antibody – IgA1 and IgA2. The IgA1 antibody is the most prevalent and is also called secretory immunoglobulin or sIgA, and is most commonly found in secretions in high quantities. 

In a healthy immune system a biological aka naturally occurring toxin would eventually be purged from the body by one or both of those antibody "soldiers." However, as the quantum dot is synthetic it is never destroyed and continues to invade the body PERPETUALLY turning the hosts cells into these freaks of science being called Fankencells by many accredited Virologists and Doctors.
The WHO,  and the CDC (under the ultimate direction of the council 13 ) have directed the three major aforementioned big Pharma companies , who have never developed vaccines before, to pretend that they created this injection.  

The truth is that this device was developed by DARPA, the CIA, in conjunction with several big think tanks, including the Bilderburg Group. 

The CIA and NSA working with FEMA and the UN developed the false flag cover story and named it after the intent of the plan; to tag, track and ID every human on earth starting in 2019... aka COV-ID19!

This plot was fomented at the now shuttered top secret CIA bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick Maryland. This Cabal of corporations and special interest groups conscripted major IT and Pharma corporations that they own, including 3M, to develop engineer and manufacture state-of-the-art... graphene delivery systems. 

1. VIRUS PANDEMIC and the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC (look it up if you don't know what that means)


If your overall endgame goal is to have a one world government with a one world quantum financial system, how do you get every human being on earth to be part of it? You don't. If you're a globalist eugenisist you believe that the population of the world will have to be culled...and in astronomical numbers. The numbers they have in mind when they are done they etched in stone on a monument called the Georgia Guide Stones - The New Commandments for a New World Order.

To murder 6 billion people you would have to infect everything they touch AND because God made them with powerful immune systems you would have to create technology that will kill them all.

In order to get these stupid people to take the technology you would have to foment an event so big it would scare the masses into taking action thinking they were making themselves safe. You would have to create a threat so frightening they would begin consenting to massive sweeping changes in government, finance and their every day lives.

The Problem that was agreed to was a Pandemic. The fear campaigns began all the way back in 1977 with Hollywood's launch of the movie RABID. Here is a link to a subsequent list of all the predictive programming (influence through repeat exposure) related to "we are all going to die from a virus: that has been perpetrated upon the masses:" Click Here to See the Complete List


Now that the public have been feared, locked down and controlled the most effective way to ensure as many as possible get exposed to the The delivery methods are via PPE masks, nasal swabs for testing for COVID-19, Chemtrail spraying in the skies and direct injection via hypodermic needle.
DARPA, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and the military have created bleeding edge, weaponized, nano technologies.

Quantum dots
6G to 11G microwave frequency weapons

WARNING: Anyone who gets tested, injected and is wearing a graphene infused blue mask now has the quantum dot and morgellon fibers (antenna) in the body.  The amazing feature of this device is that it self replicates and can self assemble. It is SMART tech and is part of the internet of things.

It binds with your tissues and once fused with your body can never be removed. It is also capable of receiving and transmitting 5g and greater microwave radio frequency signals.  It causes cellular death and a host of other immune responses too numerous and technical to list here. However, a they include very quick and sudden death. A person with this device that has self replicated and fully developed in their body can be killed instantly (cooked) with high doses of exposure to 5G radiation.  

2. PASSPORT (aka Star of David): Phase 2 is the so-called vaccine passport and pointing devices at your forehead to “take your temperature.” Don't be naive...this is predictive programming to teach a whole generation to be OK with having their foreheads and their wrists scanned.  🤷🏻‍♂️

Phase 3 is the replacement of money with the quantum tattoo developed by DARPA on your right hand and your forehead that will be connected directly to the Google global Quantum financial system running on Blockchain. There will be only one “legal” cryptocurrency.

If you live...You will no longer need cash, credit cards or your cell phone to buy or sell anything. You will have to have the Mark of the Beast, quantum tattoo on your right hand or forehead to travel or buy or sell or participate in the coming GESARA/NESARA financial system.

The jab is the base opperating system that will make the Mark of the Beast work. The information is NOT hidden. They no longer care if people know because they believe that they've lulled enough people to sleep that no one will do anything to stop them. Scripture clearly tells us that the beast overcomes the saints... this is that period. This is that time. We are in the final days of history.

Now you know why these companies and special interest groups hope no one discovers what you just learned!  This fraud should anger you at your core. Your only response should be to make this extremely public. Share, repost, copy/ paste it.... talk about it on your podcast, talk about it in a video, post post post and never stop telling people the truth. 

YHWH (God) bless you my friends...and may He protect you and I pray that you may have the strength and humility to be ok with having fallen for the propganda and forgive yourself. I pray that you may have the grace to Stand and to escape the things coming on the earth! May YHWH keep you as the great tribulation begins!

Speaking the truth in love,

Jonathan Freeman


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