Major developments have been taking place behind the scenes recently as both the British Royals and the P3 Freemasons have declared war against the Rothschild family and the Swiss-based Octagon group, MI6 and P3 sources say.
The liberation of the Jewish people being held hostage in Israel is also underway, Mossad sources say. When the dust settles this will completely change the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and even the ruling hierarchy of monotheism itself.
That is why Queen Elizabeth told reporters to “take a picture and make history” when she met her cousin Angela Hitler (Merkel) on July 2nd, MI6 sources say. They explain that Merkel’s iconic hand sign of a triangle is a sign to insiders that she is a member of the Saxe-Couborg Gotha clan.
The fact the Queen refused to make the sign signaled the British Royals had broken with their German cousins and would no longer obey their Swiss-based leadership, MI6 explains.
This means for the first time in about 200 years, the UK is free from Rothschild family rule. That is because the Rothschild family has been intimately intertwined with the Saxe-Couborg Gotha Royals since before the Napoleonic wars. The founder of the Rothschild banking clan, Mayer Amschel Rothschild got his big break by lending money to support Saxe-Couborg Gotha wars. His son Nathaniel famously took over the Bank of England via clever insider trading based on knowledge Napoleon had lost the battle of Waterloo.
While England may be free for the first time in 200 years since the Rothschilds claim to be descended from the Babylonian Tyrant Hammurabi, soon the Jewish people may be freed for the first time in 3,793 years.
This may seem like ancient history, but it intimately affects the fake pandemic and vaccine campaign going on right now.
Here is a bit more necessary background. Queen Victoria’s mother was a Saxe-Couborg Gotha and she married her first cousin Albert, another member of this clan. Both Merkel and Queen Elizabeth are descendants of Queen Victoria and so is Hillary Clinton.
Many other members of this bloodline are in positions of power throughout the West. For example, Mossad sent us proof last week that Klaus Schwab, head of the Davos World Economic Forum, is a member of the Rothschild family.
Schwab, remember, is the proponent of the “great reset,” totalitarian take-over plan.
Hitlery Clinton for her part is behind the fake U.S. Biden administration that is going door to door to try to vaccinate everybody with vaccines designed to permanently enslave humanity.
These people are powerful enough to remove Pope Francis and replace him with a rubber mask-wearing impostor who says all humans need to be vaccinated.
However, they have only managed to completely vaccinate 11.9% of the more than 7.8 billion people on earth, mainly in Western countries. This means the Khazarian Mafia’s last-ditch attempt to use enslaving vaccinations to stay in power has failed.
I received a message from Africa that leaders haven’t forgotten HIV and are aware of the current Covid-19 bioweapon eugenics program. Even after 4 prominent leaders who defied the WHO were murdered others remain defiant.
Furthermore, now that the P3 Freemasons behind the Vatican know their “Pope” has been replaced by an impostor, they have created an alliance even more powerful than the Octagon group in Switzerland.
A message from the ruling body of the P3 and the Black Sun organization sent last week says they now have the support of…
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