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Help in responding to the common strawman argument of “People who reject masks or jabccines are stupid…”

Help in responding to the common strawman argument of \"People who reject masks or jabccines are stupid because they accept seat belts to mitigate risk in car accidents\" (or something along those lines).

This is a perfect example of a strawman argument being used to demean, diminish and distract from a real and meaningful debate. If you come across this and you are wondering how to respond, this list might help.
The comparison of rejecting masks or jabccines to rejecting seat belts would be more accurate if:

1. The seatbelt was surgically attached or inserted into your body. 

2. Seatbelts were installed in all benches and seats everywhere regardless of lack of risk. 

3. You had to wear your seat belt in order to walk into any building. 

4. You were forced to drive everywhere instead of allowing the choice to walk or ride bikes or scooters etc. 

5. Children were strapped into their school desks or tied into their prams. 

6. Seatbelts were required to protect you from getting cancer or diabetes. 

7. Seatbelts were required on beds or in the bath or on toilets (and surveillance is installed in these locations to ensure compliance).

8. Seatbelts only had one size and no matter what your physical shape, we all had to wear the same one. 
9. There was no adjustment or allowance for physical disability.   

10. You had to keep your seatbelt on and were not allowed out of the car for any reason, even if your car was on fire or was underwater.

11. Devices were installed everywhere that would monitor your seatbelt and would force it to strap you to any surface you touched.

12. The CHOICE to not drive and instead choose a mode of transportation that is cleaner or promotes health is demonized and such choices are associated with being a sociopath.

13. The media and authorities and general public mock or ignore anyone injured by a seatbelt, neither providing compensation or allowing them to speak about it to others via censorship.  Injuries caused by seatbelts are common and include: 
    Abdominal Injuries
    Bone Fracture
    Brain Injury
    Chest injuries
    Head Injury
    Internal Bleeding
    Internal Injury
    Shoulder Injury
    Spinal Cord Damage

14. Seat belts are made with a number of untested and unknown chemicals that cause unintended medical conditions like cancer or neurological damage over the long term.


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