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Marion Crawford was the first and only person to write a book about the Twins. Her book was published in New York by Harcourt, Brace and Company in 1950.

The cover of the tell-all Little Princesses
by Marion Crawford.


When their Scottish governess arrived at Windsor Castle in 1932, she found 3 children: an infant named Margaret still in the nursery, and 2 rambunctious twins named Elizabeth and Lilibet.

Those girls were the Little Princesses she wrote about in her book.

Only a keen observer could identity them as twins, yet the writing of that book led to her excommunication, and complete ostracism by the royal family.


Lilibet aged 6 and Margaret
aged 2.

It is beyond belief but the British Empire has been ruled by Twin queens since 1953. In 2015, a report was issued by the BBC that the queen was sent to "Purgatory." That report was later denied, but if it is true, Lilibet has passed away:

LONDON. June 3, 2015 — A behind-the-scenes rehearsal of how the BBC will handle the death of Queen Elizabeth II ended with an apology Wednesday after one of its reporters mistakenly tweeted that the British monarch had passed away.

Ahmen Khawaja, a reporter working for the BBC's Urdu-language service, posted on Twitter that the 89-year-old had been taken to hospital. A second tweet announced: "Queen Elizabrth [sic] has died."

In 2001, the Twins granted an Honorary Knighthood to Billy Graham—the first "dairy farmer" turned evangelist to be granted such an "honor." Billy was not very familiar with the Bible because it prohibits granting flattering titles to men:

Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away (Job 32:21-22, King James Version).

That verse is the reason why the New Jerusalem Constitution prohibits flattering titles of nobility.

2-year-old Princess Elizabeth.


The Twins were born on April 21, 1926, at 17 Bruton Street, in Mayfair.

King George V was on the throne at that time.

The babies were delivered by Caesarian section, assisted by 3 of the top obstetric surgeons in the country.

By law the Home Secretary was also present to prevent a repetition of the "Warming Pan Plot."

Elizabeth seemed to be a "normal" little girl, while Lilibet showed "supernatural intelligence."

3-year-old Princess Lilibet.

Ostensibly, Prince Albert, husband of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was the father of the Twins. Prince Albert, later King George VI, had severe physical and psychological problems and was not heir conditioned!

Prince Albert (1895–1952).

The ostensible father of the Twins was Albert, Duke of York.

Albert was impotent and definitely not heir conditioned.

The mother of the Twins was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

The long-lived Elizabeth was "as strong as a horse" but the Twins were very reluctant to leave the safety of her womb and enter the British royal family.


Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

James Stuart of Findhorn was actually a descendant of the "Old Pretender," and the Stuarts were always working indefatigably to replace the Hanover or Windsor dynasty.

Here is an excerpt from the autobiography of James Stewart about the first meeting of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and the Duke of York:

My career as a courtier was nearly over now, although I did not know it, but before I left the royal service one event of personal and historical interest took place. In the summer of 1921 the first Royal Air Force ball was held at the Ritz Hotel, and my master, the Duke of York, was the guest of honour, having joined the R.A.F. from the Navy during the war. He gave a small dinner party at the Berkeley and then we walked across to the Ritz. I was on duty, so I saw the party settled in, and then sought out my friends. Later in the evening H.R.H. came over to me and asked who was the girl with whom I had been dancing. I replied that her name was Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and he asked me if I would introduce him, which I did. (Stuart, Within the Fringe, p. 57).

That fateful meeting in the summer of 1921 actually changed history.

James Stuart of Findhorn
in 1927.

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons had many suitors, and under normal circumstances, fellow Scot James Stuart was the man she was most likely to marry.

That never happened because James Stuart introduced Prince Albert to Elizabeth.

The Catholic Stuarts looked upon the House of Hanover/ Windsor with contempt and didn't even recognize marriages by the Church of England.



James Stuart

The birth of the Twins was attended by 2 of the most eminent medical men of that day, Dr. Walter Jagger (no relation to Mick) and Sir Henry Simson. They were joined later by another physician named Sir George Blacker:

Elizabeth was being tended by two of the eminent medical men of her day: Her obstetric miracle-worker Dr. Walter Jagger (18711929) and the obstetric surgeon Sir Henry Simson (18721939). When they realised that the baby was in the breech position, they called in Sir George Blacker (18651948), and obstetric specialist from University College Hospital, London. Following a consultation, the three doctors decided to move forward with the due date from the end of the month to the earliest feasible date (Campbell, The Queen Mother, p. 209).

Since the Warming Pan Plot was discovered in 1688, a high official of the government had to be present at every royal birth.

Sir Henry Simson

3 highly qualified obstetric surgeons oversaw the delivery of the Twins.

They were: Dr. Walter Jagger, Sir Henry Simson, and Sir George Blacker.

As required by law, Home Secretary Sir William Joynson-Hicks was on hand to make sure that there was not a repetition of the Warming Pan Plot!



Sir William Joynson-Hicks

Here is a report of the birth of the Twins from an authorized biography of the Queen Mother:

Labour was introduced on the 20th April, and the Home Secretary, an eminent solicitor by the name of Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt, (and later 1st Viscount Brentford), duly arrived to stand guard, as required by law when a child in direct line of succession to the throne was being born, to prevent substitution. When it became apparent that the baby could not be turned, Sir Henry made the Caesarian incision and Dr. Jagger pulled out the future Queen Elizabeth II at exactly 2:40 am on 21st April, 1926. (Campbell, The Queen Mother, p. 210).

In a Caesarian birth, there can be no firstborn, so those 3 doctors faced a major dilemma. It was solved for them later because one girl was supernaturally brilliant and the other girl seemed to be normal in every way. It was ironic that the Twins almost shared a birthday with Adolf Hanover.

Elizabeth tried to get pregnant again right away but her next baby was not born until 4 years later.

Glamis Castle in Scotland was the Bowes-Lyon ancestral home.

In 1930, another princess was born to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, at the haunted Glamis Castle in Scotland.

She named the baby Margaret Rose after the Papal patron of Scotland.

Glamis Castle was the scene of Shake-speare's Macbeth and the 3 witches.


Princess Margaret Rose

When people saw the Twins together, they were told that one twin was actually the younger sister, Margaret Rose!!

The Twins were kept totally isolated from the peers!

Total secrecy surrounded the Twins from the very moment of their birth. They were always accompanied by adults and were never allowed to interact or play with their peers. Adults can keep secrets . . . but not children . . . because children will tell the truth until they grow up and are corrupted by adults.

145 Piccadilly.

The first residence of the Twins was a mansion at 145 Piccadilly, close to Hyde Park.

In 1932, a Scot named Marion "Crawfie" Crawford became the children's governess.

By that time, Margaret Rose was only 2, and still in the cradle, so she could not join in their fun and games.


Marion Crawford

Marion Crawford was recommended for the job of governess because she was discreet, plus she had special training in dealing with children who were "different" and "special." Here is her account of her first day on the job:

Breakfast was brought to me in my room on my first morning at the Royal Lodge. But before that I had been conscious of shrieks of laughter close at hand. An unholy din filled the air for some time. This I learned was the usual procedure. The little girls were having their morning session in their parents' room. This I learned was the usual procedure. No matter how busy the day, how early the start that had to be made, each morning began with high jinks in their parents' bedrooms.(Crawford, The Little Princesses, p. 16).

Those high jinks were the 6-year-old Twins having a good time at their parents' expense.

Elizabeth, aged 10, hugging
her beloved corgi Dookie.

Even though they were surrounded by millions of children in London, the Twins were not allowed to play with any of them.

Lilibet's intellectual ability astonished her tutors, while Elizabeth was content to play with her dogs and ride her horses.

Even Winston Churchill was in awe of the intellectual prowess of little Lilibet when he came to visit.


Lilibet aged 10.
Lilibet aged 10.

In 1950, Marion committed the "unpardonable sin" as far as the royal family was concerned: She wrote a book about her years as governess. Marion was approached by the editors of the U.S. Ladies' Home Journal, who were anxious to improve U.S.-British relations. By that time Marion was retired from her job and given a small cottage and a very small pension.

Marion had no writing skills whatsoever, so a stenographer was secretly flown in from the U.S. Marion told her story and the editors of the Ladies' Home Journal polished up the prose. She was offered the fantastic sum of $80,000 tax free for her memoir, but that led to her ostracism by the royal family, who never spoke to her again.

Princess Lilibet married Prince Philip in 1947

Prince Philip was the handsome Adonis who married Princess Lilibet. Philip's' family was very close to the royal family from the very beginning. Prince Philip was more of the cerebral type, and unlike Elizabeth, he was not crazy about dogs and horses.

Prince Philip (b. 1921).

Philip was a lieutenant in the Royal Navy when he met first Lilibet.

Playboy Philip was the type who liked to race cars . . . and not horses.


The star stuck lovers: Lilibet
and Prince Philip.

Philip and Elizabeth were married in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey, recorded and broadcast by BBC radio to 200 million people around the world.

Lilibet on her wedding day.


Lilibet and Prince Philip were married in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947.

That was just before the dawn of the TV era so the royals did not feel threatened by the presence of TV cameras.


The wedding of Lilibet
and Prince Philip.

Noticeably absent was the former king, Edward VIII, and none of the German relatives of Prince Philip were invited.

Princess Lilibet was crowned Queen Elizabeth II in June 1953

In January 1952, Lilibet and Philip set off on a tour of the British Empire. The first leg of that tour was a stop in South Africa. King George VI gave the couple a "bon voyage" at the airport, little realizing that he would never see them again.

King George VI saying "goodbye" to
Princess Lilibet at London Airport.

On January 31, 1952, Princess Lilibet left London Airport for a tour of the British Empire.

Just 6 days later it was reported that King George VI "died suddenly in his sleep."

On February 7, Lilibet disembarked at London Airport as Queen Elizabeth II.


Queen Lilibet, aka Queen Elizabeth II,
arriving at London Airport.

According to her private secretary, Martin Charteris, Lilibet did not shed a single tear when she heard of the sudden demise of King George VI. That was not surprising as he was not her real father.

Everything was prearranged before the tour began. Charteris had the accession paper with him and all Lilibet had to do was sign them and chose a new name for herself. She chose the name ELIZABETH which was the name of her Twin.

The funeral of King George VI,
February, 1952.

King George's lying in state took place at Westminster Hall from February 9 to February 11.

The king was buried at Windsor Castle on February 15.

Predictably, Lilibet put on a great show of mourning.

Lilibet "mourning" the death
of King George VI.

Lilibet was very anxious to begin governing her Empire, but for propriety's sake a year of "mourning" had to be held to honor the memory of the late King George VI.

Coronation of Lilibet in
Westminster Abbey.

The coronation of 25-year-old Lilibet took place in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.

Initially, the BBC was banned from filming the ceremony but that ban was lifted when they agreed that there would be no close-up filming.

Thanks to the communications revolution, the wedding was broadcast live via TV to the 4 corners of the flat earth.

Lilibet as the new
Queen Elizabeth II.

Over 8,000 guests from all over the Empire attended the ceremony. General George Marshall, the U.S. Secretary of State who implemented the Marshall Plan, represented the United States. The coronation was the first major international event to be broadcast live on television.

The 1956 Suez Canal Crisis was the defining event in the reign of Lilibet

When Lilibet came to the throne she fully expected that the United States would nuke the Soviets and restore the British Empire. Little did she expect that it would actually be the beginning of the end of her Empire.

In October 1957, exactly one year after the Suez Canal Crisis, Lilibet arrived in the United States to celebrate the April 1607 founding of the Jamestown Colony. She was all smiles on the outside but inside she was BURNING WITH RAGE at the President.

Queen Elizabeth II and President Eisenhower, October 1957.
Lilibet and President Eisenhower,
October 1957.


Lilibet was absolutely furious at President Eisenhower for forcing the British to disgorge the Suez Canal.

Inside the velvet glove was an iron fist determined to avenge that defeat.

In her 1957 Christmas message, the queen said that she visited 3 countries that year: Portugal, France, and the United States.


Lilibet's 1957 Christmas message.

Neither of the Twins attended the funeral of President Eisenhower, and neither of them attended the funeral of President Kennedy!

Lilibet gave the green light for the assassination of Princess Diana

There are so many bizarre similarities between the assassination of President Kennedy and the assassination of Princess Diana. Both assassinations took place in a limousine, both assassinations took place in a tunnel, and both assassinations were covered up by the people at the very top of the pyramid power structure.

Lilibet, Prince Philip, Jackie and Jack at
Buckingham Palace, June 5, 1961.


The Kennedy's visited Buckingham Palace on June 5, 1961.

Jackie "Jane Bond" worked for MI6 and the CIA, so her true identify would have been well known to the queen.

"Jane" always kept herself in top physical shape, and like Mary Lincoln, she was an expert shot with a pistol.


Lilibet and Jackie at
Buckingham Palace.

The Way Ahead Group (WAG), chaired by the Queen, was created in November 1992. The purpose of that committee was to discuss critical issues facing the very existence of the monarchy:

The Way Ahead Group (WAG), which was created five months later to deal with major issues facing the royals, held meetings twice a year–generally in January and September. Those meetings were attended by all senior royals, except Diana. The Queen was chairman, with Philip, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward all taking part.
It is no coincidence that the separation of Charles and Diana took place in the month following the very first WAG meeting. (Morgan, Paris-London Connection. p. 28).

The meeting of the Way Ahead Group was moved up to July 20, 1997, and at that time the committee gave the green light for the assassination of Princess Diana.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip inspecting
the flowers outside Buckingham Palace.

Mohamed Al Fayed–the father of Dodi–spent 7 months in Haiti as a guest of President Duvalier.

He was joined in Haiti by George de Mohrenschildtthe real father of "Lee Harvey Oswald."

Russian "Lee Harvey Oswald" was supposed to be killed right after the assassination, and then the Soviet Union would be framed for the assassination.


Queen Elizabeth addressing the nation after
the assassination of Princess Diana,
October 5, 1997.

Nothing has changed politically since 1963, Russia was framed for the assassination, and the losers are still blaming them for their defeats. The assassination went awry when Lee Harvey Oswald survived, but Princess Diana took her secrets to the crematorium.

Only a person as blind as the aged Father Isaac could not fail to see that Elizabeth and Lilibet are different queens . . . even though they are twins.

As an absolute monarch, Lilibet HATED opening Parliament

The flat earth is not big enough to contain a monarchy and a republic. Likewise, a monarchy cannot coexist with a parliament. The 2 systems of government are antithetical and have always been mortal enemies. Daniel the Prophet predicted that the iron and clay would not mix.

Elizabeth II on her way to the
opening of Parliament.

Parliaments and monarchies cannot exist on the same flat earth.

Perhaps they can coexist on a rotating planet.

The British monarchy was abolished by Parliament in 1649.

Lilibet hated opening Parliament, so she left that onerous job to her twin Elizabeth.

Elizabeth II opening

The state opening of Parliament is one of the most important fixtures in the British constitutional calendar. Finding a constitutional monarch is like finding an atheist in heaven!

Vital links


Bradford, Sarah. Elizabeth: A Biography of Britain's Queen. Farrar, Straus and Company, New York, 1996.

Campbell, Colin. The Queen Mother: The Untold Story of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Who Became Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2012.

Crawford, Marion. The Little Princesses, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1950.

Erickson, Carollly. Lilibet: An Intimate Portrait of Elizabeth II. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2004.

Kelly, Kitty. The Royals, Warner Books, Inc., New York, 1997.

Lacey, Robert. Monarch: The Lfe and Reign of Elizabeth II. The Free Press, New York, 2002.

Morgan, John. Paris-London Connection: The Assassination of Princess Diana. Shining Bright Publishing, Australia, 2012.

Smith, Sally Bedell, Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch. Random House, New York, 2012.

Stuart, James. Within the Fringe. Bodley Head, London, U.K., 1967.


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